nirhart / ParallaxScroll

Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android
MIT License
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ListView with multible parallax items like scrollview #37

Open etelevantou opened 9 years ago

etelevantou commented 9 years ago

One of your scrollview implementations have a the first three items of the view parallax moving together. However in the listview its only the current first visible item that is parallax moving with the rest of the listview. I've tried using this:


within a listview but it doesn't work. Does the library support that kind of transition or should I adding that implementation on my own?

Thanks for the library, it really is great!

nirhart commented 9 years ago

The library currently do not support this configuration. If I remember correctly, its because the first view in listview must be recycle when its original y + height (not the parallax one) is not visible anymore, if the second view will be parallaxed too, it will not obscure the first view when its recycled and it will cause a glitch in the UI. If I'm wrong and you find a nice way of doing it, It ill be great if you'll upload it with a pull request