nirhart / ParallaxScroll

Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android
MIT License
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ParallaxScrollView will make child views overlap with parallax view if child views' bg are transparent #59

Closed siralam closed 6 years ago

siralam commented 6 years ago

ParallaxScrollView works great, but only if child views have a solid background, which is able to cover the parallaxed view.

If my child views (which are not parallaxed) have transparent background (e.g. I have a background image underneath, so my views need to be transparent), child views will appear on top of the parallaxed view.

I have managed to solve this by applying a rectangular clip, but only applicable to: (1) ScrollView only (2) API level > 18 (since View.clipBounds() need API level > 18)

I plan to submit a pull request later.