nirix / nanite

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Requests cannot handle dots '.' #1

Closed jzush closed 9 years ago

jzush commented 9 years ago


When POSTING or GETTING a value with a dot '.' in it, it is replaced with a underscore.

Example: Nanite gives the responds with : google_com

The issue has also been reports here:

nirix commented 9 years ago

What is the exact PHP version you are running?

jzush commented 9 years ago


nirix commented 9 years ago

I installed PHP 5.4.36 and did GET and POST requests to /test/ without any issues.

Would you be able to supply a snippet of code that demonstrates this issue along with the server URL rewriting rules?

jzush commented 9 years ago
     get('/members/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)', function($user){

$frontpage = new Template("profile.tpl");

$frontpage->set("username", $user);

$layout = new Template("layout.tpl");
$layout->set("title", "Profile " . $user);


$layout->set("content", $frontpage->output());
echo $layout->output();


When I use

The title of the page is returned as "Profile google_com" and also on the page itself it says "google_com"

nirix commented 9 years ago

Are you running nginx with PHP-FPM?

No issues with Apache 2.4 + PHP 5.4 and 5.5. However, I'm seeing the issue with nginx and PHP-FPM. Will have to figure out if there is a way to stop it from happening.

jzush commented 9 years ago

I'm running cPanel + Apache 2.2.29

nirix commented 9 years ago

Okay, did some testing.

Here are two rewrite rules that should work:

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]
# or
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [L,QSA]