I have an svn repo with a tag named -rc1 and many others following a different naming convention (basically {project}-{version}-rc{N}. When I run svn2git as follows
svn2git https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/uima-as --exclude '-rc1' --authors ~/authors.txt -v
git fails with > error: unknown switch `r'
Since I am running svn2git with verbose flag I see that the failure happens here
Running command: git svn fetch --ignore-paths='^(?:trunk[/]|tags[/][^/]+[/]|branches[/][^/]+[/])(?:-rc1)'
I tried double quotes around -rc1 with no success. Seems like git interprets -rc1 as an option.
So how do I exclude such tag when running svn2git?
I have an svn repo with a tag named -rc1 and many others following a different naming convention (basically {project}-{version}-rc{N}. When I run svn2git as follows svn2git https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/uima/uima-as --exclude '-rc1' --authors ~/authors.txt -v
git fails with > error: unknown switch `r' Since I am running svn2git with verbose flag I see that the failure happens here Running command: git svn fetch --ignore-paths='^(?:trunk[/]|tags[/][^/]+[/]|branches[/][^/]+[/])(?:-rc1)'
I tried double quotes around -rc1 with no success. Seems like git interprets -rc1 as an option. So how do I exclude such tag when running svn2git? Thanks,