For each GNSS site, download the data file and read them. The output should be one common format as defined below, regardless of the solution providers.
site_name - str, GNSS site name/ID
start_datetime - datetime object
end_datetime - datetime object
solution_provider - str, GNSS solution provider, e.g. UNR, JPL, SOPAC
site_lat/lon - float, latitude and longitude of the GNSS site in degree
site_hgt - float, height of the GNSS site in meter
E/N/U time-series - 1D np.ndarray in float32, displacement time-series in meters
E/N/U time-series uncertainty (STD) - 1D np.ndarray in float32, uncertainty of displacement time-series in meters
reference_frame - str
correction_level - str or list of str [require more detailed definitions/descriptions]
step_time_coseismic - list of datetime objects, times with co-seismic jumps
step_time_antenna - list of datetime objects, times with antenna changes/maintainances.
Function(s) to fetch the GNSS time-series with documentation on the correction levels. This should include two functions:
1 -
Search the list of available GNSS sites given a certain set of criteria.
Status [done]
2 -
For each GNSS site, download the data file and read them. The output should be one common format as defined below, regardless of the solution providers.
Status [in progress]
Missing functionalities