nisargjhaveri / WirelessAndroidAutoDongle

Use Wireless Android Auto with a car that supports only wired Android Auto using a Raspberry Pi.
MIT License
318 stars 42 forks source link

Error creating image with docker #114

Closed manio closed 1 month ago

manio commented 1 month ago

Hi I've issued: docker-compose run --rm rpi02w

and at the end it end up with:

Step 10/10 : CMD /bin/bash
 ---> Running in 6103e390de1d
 ---> Removed intermediate container 6103e390de1d
 ---> 888a484d23b2

Successfully built 888a484d23b2
Successfully tagged aawg-buildroot:latest
WARNING: Image for service rpi02w was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating wirelessandroidautodongle_rpi02w_run ... done
+ make BR2_EXTERNAL=../aa_wireless_dongle/ O=output/raspberrypizero2w raspberrypizero2w_defconfig
make: *** No rule to make target 'raspberrypizero2w_defconfig'.  Stop.

I am doing according to the main README. What am I doing wrong?

manio commented 1 month ago

The problem was: no submodules fetched. Closing.