nisargjhaveri / vscode-ios-debug

iOS debugging in Visual Studio Code
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Unable to Connect iOS Simulator to Remote Visual Studio Code #17

Open pravindodia opened 6 months ago

pravindodia commented 6 months ago

Unable to detect ios simulator

host machine mac os guest (Remote machine) linux ubuntu

iOS Debug v0.4.0

Visual Studio Code Version: 1.85.1 Try simple flutter test project but the ios simulator is not detected for remote environment

Any help will be appreciated.

nisargjhaveri commented 6 months ago

For remote connection, your remote machine needs to be Mac (where your project will built using Xcode). You local machine can be Mac/Windows/Linux. With this setup you can debug on locally connected iOS devices or the remote simulators with screen sharing.

Local Mac and remote Linux is not yet supported.

pravindodia commented 6 months ago

For remote connection, your remote machine needs to be Mac (where your project will built using Xcode). You local machine can be Mac/Windows/Linux. With this setup you can debug on locally connected iOS devices or the remote simulators with screen sharing.

Local Mac and remote Linux is not yet supported.

Does that mean that the setup I have which is, Development Machine (Remote) is Ubuntu Server

And local Machine is (Mac) with simulator and real device.

Can I use local simulator / device to connect to the remote development environment , as the extension suggest that it works with Remote Visual Studio Code.

Sorry for bothering with you with this again and confirming, but I was really hoping that it would solve my problem. Just confirm if the extension can help with my Development Environment.