nisargjhaveri / vscode-ios-debug

iOS debugging in Visual Studio Code
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Failed to install and launch app on simulator when run Demo #2

Closed zengweijun closed 11 months ago

zengweijun commented 2 years ago

macOS 10.15.7 Xcode 12.4 iphonesimulator 14.4

look up screencast.gif in demo dispay is ios14.5, is ios14.5 required?

nisargjhaveri commented 2 years ago

There is not such requirements as of now.

The minimum target was 14.5 by mistake for the example project. Changed it to 13.0 in a711d1c48936add3624f5dff22097ee4045a470b.

It should work now with the latest change, have a look?

zengweijun commented 2 years ago

I have tried both my own project and the sample project and reported the same error, so I guess the reason is the version of MacOS, I will try later after macOS upgrade

nisargjhaveri commented 2 years ago

I've published a new version a couple of hours back. With this, you should now get some diagnostic logs in vscode > Output > iOS Debug.

Please mention those logs here? We might be able to pin-point the issue.

To my knowledge there should not be any requirement for newer macOS or Xcode for you for this to work.

zengweijun commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, I have upgraded the system to MacOS Big Sur, xcode version 12.5.1, it is works normally, and it has nothing to do with the simulator iOS version, so I think macOS Big Sur may be necessary for this to work.

kosbar commented 2 years ago

Big Sur, Xcode 12.5.1, Visual Studio Code 1.60.2 Failed to install app on device. I have build with "xcodebuild -workspace XXXX.xcworkspace -scheme XXXX SYMROOT=XXXX/build/" and use plugin with configuration:

            "name": "Launch App",
            "type": "lldb",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/XXXXX/build/Debug-iphoneos/",
            "iosBundleId": "com.XXXXXXX",
            "iosTarget": "select",

plugin start copy everything from build/Debug-iphoneos/ folder and end with error while process .app file

nisargjhaveri commented 2 years ago

@kosbar Could you please try to get the output from vscode > Output > iOS Debug and post here? That might help me debug this better.

santosa3-ppb commented 1 year ago

Hello. Is it possible to use in an app in swift?

nisargjhaveri commented 1 year ago

@santosa3-ppb Yes, it is possible to debug swift apps as well using this. Please create a new issue if you're facing any problems with that?

nisargjhaveri commented 11 months ago

Stale and not repro. Closing. Feel free to reopen if this is still happening with more info.