nischi / MMM-Face-Reco-DNN

Face recognition with opencv and deep neural network
MIT License
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libcamera support #114

Closed goldyfruit closed 1 year ago

goldyfruit commented 1 year ago


Is there any plan to make this module compatible with the new camera interface of Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit? Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit doesn't work anymore with the Python picamera library.

Libcamera is the new "default" interface to interact with camera, more information available here:

Thanks :)

nischi commented 1 year ago


Would be nice, but i do not have any time at the moment. so i would be happy if we have a PR for that.


goldyfruit commented 1 year ago

Seems that picamera2 has been released;

HW594 commented 1 year ago


Do you have a plan to use this module with the actualy PiOS with libcamera library or with the picamera2 library or does anyone have another solution for the problem?


goldyfruit commented 1 year ago

@nischi is there any commit related to this change?

nischi commented 1 year ago

nope 🙈

goldyfruit commented 1 year ago

But after checking in the code repo, since tools/ doesn't exist anymore I'm not sure there is anything to do about that here. picamera is imported from imutils so if there is a change to do it's in there.

nischi commented 1 year ago

true then lets close it