nischi / MMM-Face-Reco-DNN

Face recognition with opencv and deep neural network
MIT License
90 stars 46 forks source link

Face detection doesn't work #134

Closed valemichelleee closed 9 months ago

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have very similar problem with issue #18 I'm running MM on raspberry pi 4. All dependencies are installed (OCV, dlib, pip, numpy etc), but no modules appeared when i show my face. I tried to run tools/ and got error {"status": "loading encodings + face detector..."} {"status": "starting video stream..."} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/techlab/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/", line 88, in <module> if args["source"].isdigit(): AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit' When I run npm start dev, got error for every example_modules loader.js:175 Error on loading script: modules/example_module/example_module.js

nischi commented 1 year ago

Hi @valemichelleee

Nice that you using my module. How looks your configuration? Do you set the option "source"?

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

Hi thank you for responding. I didn't set up the source. I'm using Raspi Camera V2

config: {
                          // Logout 15 seconds after user was not detected anymore

                          // If they are detected within this period, the delay will start again

                          logoutDelay: 15000,

                          // How often the recognition starts in milliseconds

                          // With a Raspberry Pi 3+ it works well every 2 seconds

                          checkInterval: 1000,

                          // Module set used for when there is no face detected ie no one is in front of the camera

                          noFaceClass: 'noface',

                          // Module set used for when there is an unknown/unrecognised face detected

                          unknownClass: 'unknown',

                          // Module set used for when there is a known/recognised face detected

                          knownClass: 'known',

                          // Module set used for strangers and if no user is detected

                          defaultClass: 'default',

                          // Set of modules which should be shown for any user ie when there is any face detected

                          everyoneClass: 'everyone',

                          // Set of modules that are always shown - show if there is a face or no face detected

                          alwaysClass: 'always',

                          // XML to recognize with haarcascade

                          cascade: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml',

                          // Pre-encoded pickle with the faces

                          encodings: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/encodings.pickle',

                          // Use Raspberry Pi camera or another type

                          // 1 = RasPi camera, 0 = other camera

                          usePiCamera: 1,

                          // Brightness, negative is darker, positive is brighter

                          brightness: 0,

                          // Contrast, positive value for more contrast

                          contrast: 0,

                          // If using another type of camera, you can choose

                          // i.e. 0 = /dev/video0 or ''

                          source: 0,

                          // Rotate camera

                          rotateCamera: 0,

                          // Method of facial recognition

                          // dnn = deep neural network, haar = haarcascade

                          method: 'dnn',

                          // Which face detection model to use

                          // "hog" is less accurate but faster on CPUs

                          // "cnn" is a more accurate deep-learning model which is GPU/CUDA accelerated

                          detectionMethod: 'hog',

                          // How long in milliseconds modules take to hide and show animationSpeed: 0,

                          // Path to Python to run the face recognition

                          // null or '' means default path

                          pythonPath: '/usr/bin/python3',

                          // Should a welcome message be shown using the MagicMirror alerts module?

                          welcomeMessage: true,

                          // Dictionary for person name mapping in welcome message

                          // Allows for displaying name with complex character sets in welcome message e.g. jerome => Jérôme, hideyuki => 英之

                          usernameDisplayMapping: null,

                          // Capture new pictures of recognized people, if unknown we save it in folder "unknown"

                          // So you can extend your dataset and retrain it afterwards for better recognitions

                          extendDataset: false,

                          // If extendDataset is true, you need to set the full path of the dataset

                          dataset: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/dataset/',

                          // How much distance between faces to consider it a match. Lower is more strict.

                          tolerance: 0.6,

                          // allow multiple concurrent user logins, 0=no, any other number is the maximum number of concurrent logins

                          multiUser: 0,

                          // resolution of the image

                          resolution: [1280, 960],

                          // width of the image for processing

                          processWidth: 500,

nischi commented 1 year ago

Can you try to comment out source or remove it? Because 0 is anyway default value and it seems in some version of python it has issues with the conversion. Need to check that. But can you try to adjust your settings?

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

I tried but nothing changed. Could you explain further which settings do I need to adjust?

nischi commented 1 year ago

simply remove the line source: 0, in your config

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

Yes I removed it, but faces still unrecognized. I also tested the camera to take picture, and it's working.

nischi commented 1 year ago

But do you get the same error as above or another?

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

yes for and every example_modules

nischi commented 1 year ago

can you send me your complete config (please remove passwords or mail addresses before)

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago
/* MagicMirror² Config Sample
 * By Michael Teeuw
 * MIT Licensed.
 * For more information on how you can configure this file
 * see
 * and
 * and
 * You can use environment variables using a `config.js.template` file instead of `config.js`
 * which will be converted to `config.js` while starting. For more information
 * see
let config = {
    address: "localhost",   // Address to listen on, can be:
                            // - "localhost", "", "::1" to listen on loopback interface
                            // - another specific IPv4/6 to listen on a specific interface
                            // - "", "::" to listen on any interface
                            // Default, when address config is left out or empty, is "localhost"
    port: 8080,
    basePath: "/",          // The URL path where MagicMirror² is hosted. If you are using a Reverse proxy
                            // you must set the sub path here. basePath must end with a /
    ipWhitelist: ["", "::ffff:", "::1"],  // Set [] to allow all IP addresses
                                                            // or add a specific IPv4 of :
                                                            // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],
                                                            // or IPv4 range of --> use CIDR format :
                                                            // ["", "::ffff:", "::1", "::ffff:"],

    useHttps: false,        // Support HTTPS or not, default "false" will use HTTP
    httpsPrivateKey: "",    // HTTPS private key path, only require when useHttps is true
    httpsCertificate: "",   // HTTPS Certificate path, only require when useHttps is true

    language: "en",
    locale: "en-US",
    logLevel: ["INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR"], // Add "DEBUG" for even more logging
    timeFormat: 12,
    units: "metric",

    modules: [
            module: "alert",
            module: "updatenotification",
            position: "top_bar"
            module: "clock",
            classes: "always",
            position: "top_center",
            config: {
                timeFormat: "12",
                showPeriod: "true",
                showWeek: "true"
            module: "calendar",
            classes: "robert_downey",
            header: "holiday",
            position: "top_left",
            config: {
                maximumEntries: "7",
                calendars: [
                        symbol: "calendar-check",
                        symbol: "calendar",
            module: "weather",
            position: "top_right",
            classes: "albert_einstein",
            config: {
                weatherProvider: "openweathermap",
                type: "current",
                location: "",
                locationID: "", //ID from; unzip the gz file and find your city
                apiKey: ""
            module: "weather",
            position: "top_right",
            classes: "albert_einstein",
            header: "Weather Forecast",
            config: {
                weatherProvider: "openweathermap",
                type: "forecast",
                location: "",
                locationID: "", //ID from; unzip the gz file and find your city
                apiKey: ""
            module: "newsfeed",
            classes: "always",
            position: "bottom_bar",
            config: {
                feeds: [
                        title: "New York Times",
                        url: ""
                showSourceTitle: true,
                showPublishDate: true,
                broadcastNewsFeeds: true,
                broadcastNewsUpdates: true
            module: 'MMM-Worldclock',
            classes: "always",
            position: 'top_center',
            config: {
            // See 'Configuration options' for more information.
                timeFormat: 'hh:mm A', //Global time format, as defined in moment.js format()
                style: 'top', // Which way do you want the flag and description from the clock? choices are 'top', 'left','right','bottom'
                offsetTimezone: null, // Timezone you want to show the difference from. null, "", or omitted from config will be UTC.
                clocks: [
                        title: "Home",
                        flag: "de",
                        title: "New York", 
                        timezone: "America/New_York", 
                        flag: "us",
                        title: "Tokyo", 
                        timezone: "Asia/Tokyo", 
                        flag: "jp",
                        title: "Sydney", 
                        timezone: "Australia/Sydney", 
                        flag: "au",
            module: "mvgmunich",
            classes: "always",
            position: "bottom_left",
            header: "MVG",
            config: {
                haltestelle: "",
                maxEntries: 5,            
                updateInterval: 15000,      
                showIcons: true,           
                transportTypesToShow: {
                    "ubahn": true,            
                    "sbahn": true,            
                    "bus": true,              
                    "regional_bus": true,     
                    "tram": true              
                ignoreStations: [],         
                lineFiltering: {
                    "active": false,            
                timeToWalk: 0,             
                showWalkingTime: false,     
                showTrainDepartureTime: true,             
                trainDepartureTimeFormat: "relative",     
                walkingTimeFormat: "relative",            
                showInterruptions: true,                    
                showInterruptionsDetails: false,            
                countInterruptionsAsItemShown: false,       
            module: 'MMM-Face-Reco-DNN',
            classes: 'always',
            config: {
              // Logout 15 seconds after user was not detected any more
              // If they are detected within this period, the delay will start again
              logoutDelay: 15000,
              // How often the recognition starts in milliseconds
              // With a Raspberry Pi 3+ it works well every 2 seconds
              checkInterval: 1000,
              // Module set used for when there is no face detected ie no one is in front of the camera
              noFaceClass: 'noface',
              // Module set used for when there is an unknown/unrecognised face detected
              unknownClass: 'unknown',
              // Module set used for when there is a known/recognised face detected
              knownClass: 'known',
              // Module set used for strangers and if no user is detected
              defaultClass: 'default',
              // Set of modules which should be shown for any user ie when there is any face detected
              everyoneClass: 'everyone',
              // Set of modules that are always shown - show if there is a face or no face detected
              alwaysClass: 'always',
              // XML to recognize with haarcascade
              cascade: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml',
              // Pre-encoded pickle with the faces
              encodings: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/encodings.pickle',
              // Use Raspberry Pi camera or another type
              // 1 = RasPi camera, 0 = other camera
              usePiCamera: 1,
              // Brightness, negative is darker, positive is brighter
              brightness: 0,
              // Contrast, positive value for more contrast
              contrast: 0,
              // Rotate camera
              rotateCamera: 0,
              // Method of facial recognition
              // dnn = deep neural network, haar = haarcascade
              method: 'dnn',
              // Which face detection model to use
              // "hog" is less accurate but faster on CPUs
              // "cnn" is a more accurate deep-learning model which is GPU/CUDA accelerated
              detectionMethod: 'hog',
              // How long in milliseconds modules take to hide and show
              animationSpeed: 0,
              // Path to Python to run the face recognition
              // null or '' means default path
              pythonPath: '/usr/bin/python3',
              // Should a welcome message be shown using the MagicMirror alerts module?
              welcomeMessage: true,
              // Dictionary for person name mapping in welcome message
              // Allows for displaying name with complex character sets in welcome message e.g. jerome => Jérôme, hideyuki => 英之
              usernameDisplayMapping: null,
              // Capture new pictures of recognized people, if unknown we save it in folder "unknown"
              // So you can extend your dataset and retrain it afterwards for better recognitions
              extendDataset: false,
              // If extendDataset is true, you need to set the full path of the dataset
              dataset: 'modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/dataset/',
              // How much distance between faces to consider it a match. Lower is more strict.
              tolerance: 0.6,
              // allow multiple concurrent user logins, 0=no, any other number is the maximum number of concurrent logins
              multiUser: 0,
              // resolution of the image
              resolution: [1280, 960],
              // width of the image for processing
              processWidth: 500,
            module: 'example_module',
            position: 'bottom_right',
            // Set your classes here seperated by a space
            // Always shown
            classes: 'always'
            module: 'example_module_2',
            position: 'bottom_right',
            // Only shown for Thierry and James
            classes: 'albert_einstein'
            module: 'example_module_3',
            position: 'bottom_right',
            // Only shown for James
            classes: 'robert_downey'
            module: 'example_module_4',
            position: 'bottom_right',
            // Only shown for known (recognised users)
            classes: 'known'

/*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}
nischi commented 1 year ago

okay thank you. sorry for the hassle, but i thought to remove source would help because in another issue the other guy did not response anymore.

so can you try something more? add source again, but instead of source: 0, try source: '0',

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

sorry for late replies, I was sick last few days. I have tried it, but also no changes.... It still won't detect anything. Is there any indicator if the camera detects a unrecognised face? Because I tested my camera is working, but no text appears from your module even if it's not recognised the face.

nischi commented 1 year ago

hope you feeling better now?

actualy you can run the python script directly tools/ with the same arguments as in the config file and this should show you on the tv a small window with the face, and if the face has a rectangle around it has found the face.

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

I feel lot better thanks for asking! yes I have tried it, and like I said on the beginning, I (still) get error when I run it with python3

{"status": "loading encodings + face detector..."} 
{"status": "starting video stream..."} 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "/home/techlab/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/", line 88, in <module> 
if args["source"].isdigit(): 
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit'`
nischi commented 1 year ago

hmmm... which version of phyton do you have?

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

Python 3.9.2 I'm using Raspberry PI 4 Model B with OS 64 Bit

nischi commented 1 year ago

I use the same version, strange. if i do remove the source it works, and if i call it direcly in the console and use -s=0 it works

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

HI thank you for your response. I might have some updates. I've tried to add the -s option and I get the following error

{"status": "loading encodings + face detector..."}
{"status": "starting video stream..."}
{"status": [1920, 1080]}
{"status": 500}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/techlab/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Face-Reco-DNN/tools/", line 100, in <module>
    vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True, rotation=args["rotateCamera"], resolution=resolution).start()
  File "/home/techlab/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/imutils/video/", line 13, in __init__
    from .pivideostream import PiVideoStream
  File "/home/techlab/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/imutils/video/", line 2, in <module>
    from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
  File "/home/techlab/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/picamera/", line 72, in <module>
    from picamera.exc import (
  File "/home/techlab/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/picamera/", line 41, in <module>
    import picamera.mmal as mmal
  File "/home/techlab/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/picamera/", line 49, in <module>
    _lib = ct.CDLL('')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/ctypes/", line 374, in __init__
    self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

then I found out that picamera doesn't support 64 bit and I always use libcamera to try my camera. I will try it with 32 bit

valemichelleee commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a good news. It works on Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit both with and without source on config.js. Perhaps it would be beneficial to consider adding it to your documentation, that it doesn't work for 64 bit. Nevertheless, thank you for your support and assistance. I am very glad that it works out in the end :)

nischi commented 1 year ago

Okay thanks, in this case i need a solution for 64 and 32bit

goldyfruit commented 1 year ago

@nischi it was part of this initial request

ghost commented 1 year ago

hi guys, i havethe raspOS 32 bit and it still doesnt work. i am using rpi camera module v3 and have the same error

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit'

nischi commented 1 year ago

I need to check this and try to reproduce it.

nischi commented 9 months ago

Should be fixed with new version 2.0