nischi / MMM-Face-Reco-DNN

Face recognition with opencv and deep neural network
MIT License
91 stars 46 forks source link

Question about recognized or not while logged in #48

Closed majik655 closed 4 years ago

majik655 commented 4 years ago

So I got this working today and is working quite well...

My question is ...

My config has Myself (only person in my dataset) and default for modules to show.

When I come into detection not recognized (because I hold my fingers up to my face)...the modules show correctly for Default. When I remove my hand from my face... the mirror (2 seconds or so) recognizes me and shows my additional modules.

But .. while I am "logged in" when I put my fingers up to my face again to be unrecognized the modules do not go away that default should not see... so it is as if it is still recognizing me....

Shouldn't the modules go away in this instance because it checks for recognition every 2 seconds?

EDIT : nevermind it seems to be working now.... weird.