nishiki-tech / nishiki-frontend

Nishiki is an app for tracking and sharing food inventories within groups for better pantry management.
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Feat : utilize `Form` component to create group form #194

Closed kanta1207 closed 7 months ago

kanta1207 commented 7 months ago



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kanta1207 commented 7 months ago

@kanta1207 Thank you for your review! It looks good to go :)

There is only one comment from me to share my concern: For the FormUsageExample.tsx, I purposely wrapped the entire <DrawerComponent>...</DrawerComponent> with the <Form>...</Form> tags because otherwise, some error occurred that was related to the Radix UI's drawer component. I don't remember what the error looked like because it was a bit long ago, but I don't see the error anymore, even if I restructure the example file. So, I thought your implementation in this PR is completely fine for now, although it might be better to stick to a team-defined specific structure, though.

@uskayyyyy Thank you for your review!

As I wondered in Review points ⬇️ ,

I separated Form logic from CreateGroupButton component, which made me pass isOpen and onClose props to CreateGroupContentDrawer. If it seems like unnecessary props to you, we can also consider putting everything in CreateGroupButton .

My intention was only to separate the Form logic from CreateGroupButton, because putting everything in CreateGroupButton seemed to be too big responsibility in one component. However, I'm not 100% sure about separating it, and if you don't feel it's too much responsibility to put Form logic in CreateGroupButton, I'd like to follow how it's implemented in FormUsageExample.tsx. , and put Form logic in CreateGroupButton.tsx.

Please share your opinion once again 🙏

nick-y-ito commented 7 months ago


However, I'm not 100% sure about separating it, and if you don't feel it's too much responsibility to put Form logic in CreateGroupButton, I'd like to follow how it's implemented in FormUsageExample.tsx. , and put Form logic in CreateGroupButton.tsx.

I understand your concern. What I meant in my earlier comment

..., although it might be better to stick to a team-defined specific structure, though.

is that it would be better to decide which structure we choose, either of the following two cases. Whichever we choose, the <Form> tags will be within the CreateGroupDrawerContent component.

  1. Wrap only the necessary parts with the<Form>. In most cases, the <Form> tags should wrap <DrawerBody> and <DrawerFooter>.

    <Form {...form}>
    <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(processSubmit)}>
  2. Always wrap the entire <DrawerContent> with <Form> even if the DrawerHeader does not contain form-related elements. This looks better:

    <Form {...form}>
    <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(processSubmit)}>

    Or, (I forgot why I chose this structure for FormUsageExample)

    <Form {...form}>
    <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(processSubmit)}>

I just wanted to share my thoughts. This PR is good enough for now! Let's discuss more deeply when the issue comes up again.

kanta1207 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I think the Form in this PR is following option 1, and at least it makes sense to me!

For now, I'll merge this PR and as you say, let's discuss again when it's needed!