nishusingh11 / machine-learning-engineering-bda696

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Mid term #7

Closed nishusingh11 closed 2 years ago

nishusingh11 commented 2 years ago

Hey Vince, I have implemented mid term, still doing some minor changes. Code is available in Mid_Term folder, main file is "". All plots written in "plot". "plot" folder will contain 3 sub folders after running the code.

  1. hw_4_plot- There will be plots for correlation table
  2. correlation_plot- plots for correlation matrix
  3. bf- plots and table for brute force mean square diff. I will change the names of directories, as they are difficult to understand.

Output: plot_output

  1. 3 tables for correlation table and plots will be present in hw_4_plot with the name of "cr.html" core-table

  2. 3 correlation matrix heatmap plots in correlation_plot matrix

  3. 3 tables for brute force msd will be created in bf with the name of "br.html" msd

Open above output .html file on browser. Kindly review my code.

nishusingh11 commented 2 years ago

Hello Professor, Kindly review my Mid Term code.

All dependencies has passed: pre-commit

Output: Final output will be stored in plots folder. There will be 3 sub directories: brute_force: 3 msd table with plots,output html file is "brute_force.html" correlation_plot: 3 correlation matrix map will be created hw_4_plot: 3 correlation table with plots, output file is "cr.html".