Updated dependencies across the board, most notably move to React Router 6.8
Large dependencies that were not updated to the latest major version:
React was kept at v17 - update to v18 would be desirable for the Concurrent Mode features, but dependencies of react-spring-bottom-sheet are outdated and don't support React 18. Might have to look for a replacement of that library due to no recent development, but there are few good alternatives
react-map-gl is kept at v5.3 - this is the latest version that supports Mapbox GL 1.x
mapbox-gl is kept at v1.13 - this is the last one before v2 where Mapbox always requires a token
Updated dependencies across the board, most notably move to React Router 6.8
Large dependencies that were not updated to the latest major version:
are outdated and don't support React 18. Might have to look for a replacement of that library due to no recent development, but there are few good alternatives