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National Infrastructure Systems Model setup, configuration and tests
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Revisit or justify energy fuel mapping #84

Open tomalrussell opened 5 years ago

tomalrussell commented 5 years ago

Issue to note assumptions around oil/solid fuel/biomass fuels in the mapping from energy demand output to energy supply inputs.

The supply model doesn't have any method to supply the requirements for biomass, oil or solid fuel, so assumes that each fuel is being used for heating within energy hubs. Gas is the majority fuel for heating, so these are added to the gas load.

However, there are contradictory assumptions: given the assumption that these demands are for heat, they could be assigned to heatload directly instead of gas; and given that the demand model outputs heat demand separately, these are explicitly non-heat demands for those fuels.

Constrained mode:

demand output                                        ,supply input               ,unit
industry_gas_non_heating                             ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_gas_boiler_gas                              ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_biomass_boiler_biomass                      ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_oil_boiler_oil                              ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_solid_fuel_boiler_solid_fuel                ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_biomass_non_heating                         ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_oil_non_heating                             ,gasload                    ,mcm
industry_solid_fuel_non_heating                      ,gasload                    ,mcm
residential_electricity_non_heating                  ,elecload_non_heat_res      ,MW
residential_gas_non_heating                          ,gasload_non_heat_res       ,mcm
residential_oil_non_heating                          ,gasload_non_heat_res       ,mcm
residential_solid_fuel_non_heating                   ,gasload_non_heat_res       ,mcm
residential_biomass_non_heating                      ,gasload_non_heat_res       ,mcm
service_electricity_non_heating                      ,elecload_non_heat_com      ,MW
service_gas_non_heating                              ,gasload_non_heat_com       ,mcm
service_oil_non_heating                              ,gasload_non_heat_com       ,mcm
service_solid_fuel_non_heating                       ,gasload_non_heat_com       ,mcm
service_biomass_non_heating                          ,gasload_non_heat_com       ,mcm

Unconstrained/optimised mode:

demand output                               ,supply input             ,unit
industry_electricity                        ,elecload                 ,MW                 
industry_gas                                ,gasload                  ,mcm                
industry_oil                                ,gasload                  ,mcm                
industry_solid_fuel                         ,gasload                  ,mcm                
industry_biomass                            ,gasload                  ,mcm                
residential_electricity                     ,elecload_non_heat_res    ,MW                 
residential_gas                             ,gasload_non_heat_res     ,mcm                
residential_oil                             ,gasload_non_heat_res     ,mcm                
residential_solid_fuel                      ,gasload_non_heat_res     ,mcm                
residential_biomass                         ,gasload_non_heat_res     ,mcm                
service_electricity                         ,elecload_non_heat_com    ,MW                 
service_gas                                 ,gasload_non_heat_com     ,mcm                
service_oil                                 ,gasload_non_heat_com     ,mcm                
service_solid_fuel                          ,gasload_non_heat_com     ,mcm                
service_biomass                             ,gasload_non_heat_com     ,mcm      
willu47 commented 5 years ago

My expectation would be not to pass these to energy supply at all. It would be better to just include these in the results as the raw energy demand outputs rather than try to fudge them into the energy supply model where they will just skew the gas demand figures.