nismod / transport

NISMOD v2 Transport Model is a national-scale (Great Britain) transport model developed to support policy making regarding the future infrastructure
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add assembly to build fat jar for running DemandModelTest #4

Closed tomalrussell closed 7 years ago

tomalrussell commented 7 years ago

Suggested approach to building and running DemandModelTest, using assembly to define a jar that includes test and main classes.

To build and run DemandModelTest:

mvn assembly:single
java -cp target/transport-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-test-demand.jar nismod.transport.demand.DemandModelTest

Otherwise, if App was used as the main entrypoint, we might not require the assembly and could just use:

mvn package
java -cp target/transport-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nismod.transport.App