nisrulz / zentone

:sound: [Android Library] Easily generate audio tone of a specific frequency and volume in Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Generated tone sounds different from other tone generators #30

Open vycoder opened 8 months ago

vycoder commented 8 months ago

I've tried the following

new ZenTone().play(frequency = 200f, volume = 100)
new ZoneTone(encoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_32BIT, channelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO)

But the resulting sound, doesn't sound like the other tone generators. They all sound like this: (

What am I doing wrong here?

nisrulz commented 8 months ago

Initial thought is that you are comparing this wrong. Youtube plays high def audio at sampling rate of 44K, 48k, 96k and so on. This just means that the audio has more rich info encoded, thus being able to emit more specific frequency sound. When you generate this via the library code then ZenTone generates audio at a default sampling rate of 44k.

However you can pass a different sampling rate into the constructor, when initializing ZenTone

val zentone = ZoneTone(sampleRate = 96000, encoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_32BIT, channelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO)

Similarly changing the encoding also has an effect.

The parameters that one uses effects how your audio sounds. Under the hood ZenTone doesn't do any magic, but generate byte data that is played over your audio output i.e speakers

If this does not fix your problem, then I will try to investigate this further and pin down how to achieve the similar sounding audio.

vycoder commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the response.

I've tried increasing the sampleRate to 96000 exactly the example you provided. But it still seems a bit different, A frequency of 200 in Zentone, sounds a bit high-pitched, at least from what I hear. I've tried playing the same frequency in Tonejs, but they all sound like the one on YouTube, I don't think it has something to do with audio quality.

Tonejs, YouTube, and others all sound similar, 200Hz is a bit lower-pitched, similar to this:

I've tested ZenTone in the emulator and in the actual device but 200 Hz still sounds high-pitched compared to others. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, I know ZenTone doesn't do any magic, and it just plays a sine wave byte data which is why it confuses me how it doesn't sound similar.

Would appreciate any help in shedding light on where could be the issue. Thanks