nitacawo / Google-play-freshplanet-Overlawled-examples

Google play example how to use alextel69 or freshplanet or overlawled ane for adobe air. as3
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Crashes when trying to sign in. #2

Open NathanFitchett opened 9 years ago

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

So I got it to actually show the Sign in box and everything. I followed all the steps on the front page for common errors that might make it crash such as package name in console.

But nothing is working. I am using overlawled ANE. Adobe AIR latest 17.0, AS3.

It signs in then it starts showing the loading sign with the circles rotating but at the end in just crashes :/

any help please would be appreciated

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

hey, these ane's does not seem to work for android 5. I am currently trying to figure out the issue as well... Did you manage to make this ane work ?

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Hey @nitacawo I was just about to tweet you. No I didn't even know that ANE existed. Does it work? I have yet to even add any ANE to my Games on the Market place. I have tried everything. The closest I got was with this one. I am not even using Android 5.0 either and still can't get it to work. Been at it for a few months now to be honest haha.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Oh wait no that was Alextel69 ANE sorry. I have tried that ANE. I got a lot farther with that one. It signed in perfectly on my device with no crashes. But whenever I tried to call to show leaderboard it would crash all the time.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Maybe I should run it in Debug mode to see what is going on with Alextel ANE

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

@NathanFitchett I am going to check if my examples still work in a few hours and let you know. I think they might still work for lower then 5 version but that sucks.

With @Alextel69 and @nightwolftamb I only managed to get them sign in menu after I try to log in they close successfully but report that sign in failed.

So currently it's a mess out there. You can actually buy milkman's but I've just released another game and need a working google play ane myself. If I will manage to get any of them work or do my own I will let you know.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Alright that would be great I would really appreciate it. Yeah I know what you mean that does suck. I want to by them But I am so broke it's not even funny. Have you bought milkmans? Yes please if you ever get it working and let me know youll have all my gratitude!

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Also not sure if you get this but with the Alextel ANE I always get this Error WHen I publish it. I ignore it but not sure if its causing the crash do you get this error as well?

The extension context does not have a method with the name start. at flash.external::ExtensionContext/_call() at flash.external::ExtensionContext/call() at$/start()

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Also it states that Your project should be compiled with these SDKs:

Adobe AIR >= 4.0
FlexSDK >= 4.6

But I dont Use Flex I dont even know what it is haha. Do you use that in your project?

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

@NathanFitchett Hey, so I checked on samsung s2 which runs 4.1. freshplanet seems to work fine but it does not have show leaderboard function, only get, so for me it's useless. Overlawled.ane is still used in my game and works fine unless it's android 5

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

@NathanFitchett checked @nightwolftamb fork and it works without any issues. Added live example to the repository you can find complete project in example folder /examples/alex/ Please install an already built "Alex extension with nightwolftamb fork.apk" on your device and check if it works. It's great as I would love to add it to my new game :) As for finances yeah... I am kinda in the same situation. Good luck.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Okay and if it works I use your new fork correct? The one that you combined together?

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

if apk works, you open up my project in your ide and build it again to get the apk. Test the new apk if it still works then and only then change it with your apps id's . If it will stop working then you will know that you need to dig into google console. If everything works you obviously try to see what you did wrong before. Good luck.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Thanks @nitacawo ! Ill try it out

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

I tested your Example on a Samsung Galaxy s3. It signs in but then in the static text field states FAILED

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

@NathanFitchett interesting I only tested it on nexus 4 and samsung s2 yet and it worked fine. I will check it on my friends s3 and maybe s4 mini I hope today.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Ya that should have worked I was hoping. I am using AIR 17.0

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

Hey also I saw your snake game on the market place. Nice work @nitacawo ! What programs did you use to develop it?

nitacawo commented 9 years ago

@NathanFitchett it's not important if you tried my ready apk did you ? Or you recompiled it and then tried? Anyway 17 should be fine but there is already 18 which fixed some 3dcontext issues etc.

Thanks I used away3d engine for flash.Was curious to check it as I don't want to move to unity engine yet. Performance wise for small games it's actually quite good but personally it does not looks that there is a live community there and you will encounter a lot of deprecated tutorials etc.

NathanFitchett commented 9 years ago

@nitacawo no I have not tried the ready APK yet. Ill try that right now. What I did was recompiled and then tried it. Oh okay I see.

Yeah I want to get into one of those 3D engines very soon. But still trying to get a app to get a lot of exposure on the market before i delve into that. A buddy of mine is pretty wealthy now with his game. A dream a wish to pursue haha.