nitaliano / react-native-mapbox-gl

A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
2.16k stars 697 forks source link

[7.0.0] API Design #1238

Open nitaliano opened 6 years ago

nitaliano commented 6 years ago

For anyone that would like to leave feedback on what they would like to see in our upcoming major release please leave your feedback here.

sandroferrari commented 5 years ago

Hi guys ! Happy new year 🎉

What about v7 progression ? @zugaldia @nitaliano

ferdicus commented 5 years ago

Hey @zugaldia and @nitaliano, happy new year.

It has been a while since the last update and by now I feel this whole project feels a bit abandoned. I'm thankful for the regular updates, however it is clear that this project needs more bodies.

Kinda hijacking this issue for a more general comment on the state of this repo.

This ticket was opened in June 2018. As of writing this comment, there are 250 open issues, there were 4 commits to the 7.0.0 branch since it was opened and the activity in general seems to be a bit subdued. It seems like only @kristfal (thanks :)) is holding the fort here and he's not even working at mapbox.

I say this as someone who is loving what you guys are doing here. And I'm super grateful for it, as we use it on a daily basis.

Just being a bit concerned is all I guess 😟

nitaliano commented 5 years ago

Hey all - one more update from our side, thanks as always for your continued patience and support. We’ve thought a lot about the best way in which to continue supporting this project and community going forward and have decided it’s in the best interest of both to transition this project to be a community-driven project led by its original author, @nitaliano. This year the Mapbox mobile engineering team is focused on some large (and exciting!) new features in our native Android and iOS SDKs and we believe this decision brings the best path forward to guarantee this project continues being actively developed.

What this means in practical terms:

We’re grateful to all of you for making this project a vibrant community, we’re excited to see what this community builds next.

ferdicus commented 5 years ago

It feels weird when you talk about yourself in the third person :)

Great to have you back ✨ , still kinda worried about this though.

Not sure what happened to mapbox' commitment to this repo that they are "giving away" the responsibility.

Are you still with Mapbox @nitaliano?

In any case, I'd be glad to contribute - even if it's just docs and issue triage.

Let me know when and where I can start :)

mattijsf commented 5 years ago

I'm sad to see that the official support from Mapbox stops for react-native-mapbox-gl. At the same time I feel that the support from the community is an opportunity to get this project the boost it desperately needs in terms of quality / updates. To name one, the native dependencies are already far behind: iOS: 3.7.8 / May 7, 2018 and Android: 5.4.1 / Feb 9, 2018. Many native bugs have been fixed and features have been added that are currently unavailable to the react-native community.

We depend on this project and would like to contribute to this project @nitaliano

Edit: I have to mention that apart from the contributions we did earlier last year (with a few PRs still pending), over the past months we have considered contributing to this project further. One of the important tasks would have been updating the native dependencies. However, like @kristfal mentioned below we were also held back by the pending 7.0.0 release / API changes.

So I'd say, get it out there and lets continue working on it! 👍 💯

gvenk commented 5 years ago

Sad to see the official support go away. @nitaliano. Keep up the good work! Hope this project will succeed as a community-driven project.

(and also curious if you are still with Mapbox @nitaliano)

ericpalakovichcarr commented 5 years ago

I also have a little bandwidth each week to contribute 👍

kristfal commented 5 years ago

Hey guys! My company depends quite heavily on this repo. We’ve been on the fence for a while, not contributing as much as we could, due to the (ever so) imminent release of 7.0.0.

Moving forward, we’d be happy to bring more time and energy into it. It’s a bit sad that Mapbox officially drops support, but it’s great to hear that @nitaliano will still be here.

Thanks @nitaliano, and looking forward to working more on this in the future.

sfratini commented 5 years ago

@nitaliano Counts us in too! I sent you a private message. We use Mapbox in several projects and more in the future so we are invested in this.

I also think RN needs some AR love too. We woud like to integrate AR but I can only find Unity examples.

maieonbrix commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone :)

I would love to see the PointAnnotations api, or any other api providing us with the ability to put markers on the map, to be simplified like what we found in react-native-maps :

<Marker coordinate={{}} />

Also a better documentation.

I am open to help !

Thank you for you great work @nitaliano

alexiri commented 5 years ago

@zugaldia when will this repo be moved to @nitaliano's account? The sooner that happens, the sooner he can add more contributors and we can get the ball rolling again.

nitaliano commented 5 years ago

I'm assuming it will take a week or two, I no longer have admin access to the project so we'll just need to sit and wait until it happens.

ferdicus commented 5 years ago

@zugaldia tear down this wall!

(to prevent any confusion - I'm quoting this guy:!)

ferdicus commented 5 years ago

@agius can we get an intro? :)

agius commented 5 years ago

Hi @ferdicus ! Nice to meet you. I'm Andrew, from the Security team at Mapbox. I've sent @nitaliano an invitation to transfer the repo to him, just waiting until he has a free moment to handle that.

Github is a little strange in that it won't let you transfer a repo from an org to another org (unless you are an admin of both), or from an org to an individual (besides yourself). So that's why I've got the hot potato at the moment 😸

zugaldia commented 5 years ago

We are live! The transfer successfully happened a few hours ago. Thank you @agius and @nitaliano for coordinating the logistics.


awdhootlele commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thank you for this amazing library. I was looking for a feature to drag and drop the marker on the map. I am using ShapeSource + SymbolLayer to render a marker on the map view and I want the ability to drag the marker around and drop it to another location on the map. If its already implemented, I would love to see some documentation on this. Thanks