nitaliano / react-native-mapbox-gl

A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
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Help Needed : Need to show custom tile on map #1601

Closed ManishSharmaApporio closed 5 years ago

ManishSharmaApporio commented 5 years ago


I have my own custom tile server and i want to show custom tiles on map.but as i have tried with styleURL but its not works.Please let me know how can i show custom tile on map.Thanks

tylergaw commented 5 years ago

@ManishSharmaApporio I had a similar need a while back. PR here with an example

systemlevel commented 5 years ago

@ManishSharmaApporio I am serving custom tiles from our own tile server. I'm not sure if you are serving Raster or Vector data but this is how I serve Raster layers:

  const rasterSourcePropsTrails = {
    id: 'rasterSourcePropsTrails',
    url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
    tileSize: 256,

Now add a RasterSource and RasterLayer

        <Mapbox.RasterSource {...rasterSourcePropsTrails}>
            style={{ visibility: ( ? "visible" : "none"), rasterOpacity: layers.trails.opacity}}

See this example for more info:

The new updated repo is coming together over here: