nitaliano / react-native-mapbox-gl

A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
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LineLayer crashes app #1614

Open 24dev opened 5 years ago

24dev commented 5 years ago

Big fan of the library, looking forward to the new version and community migration!

Problem is, I am trying to render a circle on the map, like this issue:

Unfortunately I cannot get LineLayer to work at all, every time I add it the app crashes with no error message or logs, on map load. If I remove the LineLayer for something like Text or View everything is okay (except the circle doesn't show).

This is my code:

import circle from '@turf/circle';

const circleCenter = [-0.121315, 51.510519];
const circleRadius = 10;
const circleOptions = {
  steps: 50,
  units: 'kilometers',

    <Mapbox.ShapeSource shape={circle(circleCenter, circleRadius, circleOptions)}>
         <Mapbox.LineLayer />

Adding styles to the LineLayer seems to make no difference.

Using v6.1.3 of this library, and v0.57.1 of React Native.

carsonaaberle commented 5 years ago

I am also seeing this issue Using v6.1.4 and v0.57.8 of RN

ghost commented 3 years ago

Did anyone manage to do this? Sorry to comment in an old thread.