nitaliano / react-native-mapbox-gl

A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
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onPress not working while MapView is rerendering #1688

Closed dclipca closed 3 years ago

dclipca commented 3 years ago

In the following component, I am updating the shape for ShapeSource every second. The problem is that the whole component is rendering, making me unable to interact with the map while it is updating. How this can be solved? Is there something I can use on the side of Mapbox?

export default class App extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {

  constructor(props: any) {
    this.state = {
      centerCoordinate: [0, 0],
      room: null,
      buildingsShape: {
        type: "FeatureCollection",
        features: [],

  render() {

    return (
      <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>

        <MapboxGL.MapView styleURL={'mapbox://styles/virtumonde/ck9c05lyq03aj1jocinq7c0jv'} style={} onPress={async (e) =>'SET_DESTINATION_COORDINATE', { lng: e.geometry.coordinates[0], lat: e.geometry.coordinates[1] })}>
          <MapboxGL.Camera centerCoordinate={this.state.centerCoordinate} zoomLevel={19} />

          <MapboxGL.ShapeSource id='players' shape={this.state.playersShape}>
                circleRadius: 10,
                circleRadiusTransition: {duration: 5000},
                circleColor: '#1da1f2',
                circleStrokeColor: 'white',
                circleStrokeWidth: 2
