nitaliano / react-native-mapbox-gl

A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
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Adding custom map tiles - Openmaptiles #1705

Closed miihauu closed 3 years ago

miihauu commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

If anyone could help I'd be grateful. I have tried to configure custom map tiles by using openmaptiles. I get my style.json from the external server, and when I put my JSON on React Web application it runs perfectly. However, on android and iOS, I just get the blank screen. It looks like this:


My example component:

export const MapBoxScreen = observer(function MapBoxScreen(props) {
  return (
    <Screen style={ROOT}>

Part of my style.json file, but it the same as an example from:

  "version": 8,
  "name": "Bright",
  "metadata": {
    "mapbox:autocomposite": false,
    "mapbox:groups": {
      "1444849242106.713": {"collapsed": false, "name": "Places"},
      "1444849334699.1902": {"collapsed": true, "name": "Bridges"},
      "1444849345966.4436": {"collapsed": false, "name": "Roads"},
      "1444849354174.1904": {"collapsed": true, "name": "Tunnels"},
      "1444849364238.8171": {"collapsed": false, "name": "Buildings"},
      "1444849382550.77": {"collapsed": false, "name": "Water"},
      "1444849388993.3071": {"collapsed": false, "name": "Land"}
    "mapbox:type": "template",
    "openmaptiles:mapbox:owner": "openmaptiles",
    "openmaptiles:mapbox:source:url": "mapbox://openmaptiles.4qljc88t",
    "openmaptiles:version": "3.x"
  "center": [0, 0],
  "zoom": 1,
  "bearing": 0,
  "pitch": 0,
  "sources": {
    "openmaptiles": {
      "type": "vector",
      "url": "https://myURL/spec.json?{key}"
  "sprite": "",
  "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf?{key}",
  "layers": [
      "id": "background",
      "type": "background",
      "paint": {"background-color": "#f8f4f0"}
      "id": "landcover-glacier",
      "type": "fill",
      "metadata": {"mapbox:group": "1444849388993.3071"},
      "source": "openmaptiles",
      "source-layer": "landcover",
      "filter": ["==", "subclass", "glacier"],
      "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#fff",
        "fill-opacity": {"base": 1, "stops": [[0, 0.9], [10, 0.3]]}
      "id": "landuse-residential",
      "type": "fill",
      "metadata": {"mapbox:group": "1444849388993.3071"},
      "source": "openmaptiles",
      "source-layer": "landuse",
      "filter": [
        ["in", "class", "residential", "suburb", "neighbourhood"]
      "layout": {"visibility": "visible"},
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": {
          "base": 1,
          "stops": [
            [12, "hsla(30, 19%, 90%, 0.4)"],
            [16, "hsla(30, 19%, 90%, 0.2)"]
  "id": "bright"

Anyone has some similar problems? Without external style.json it works perfect. I have tried it with generated public access token and without it. The problem is still appearing.