nitaybz / homebridge-network-presence

Homebridge plugin that provides occupancy sensor for devices presence in your network
MIT License
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dropping connection #23

Open asbesto01 opened 3 years ago

asbesto01 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have two iPhones monitored via your plugin to achieve this:

This is the config, running on 3.3.5 hoobs, nodeJS 14.16.0, on a raspberry pi 4.

Both iPhones are on 14.5, network is Eero mesh with 3 nodes

Schermata 2021-05-16 alle 10 51 47

my problem is that my automations starts (so alarm ON and vacuum cleaner ON), even if both the phones are connected to wifi. Looking at this morning log, I have automations started at 09:41, with this line in log:

16/5/2021, 09:41:23 [NetworkPresence] [iPhone XS] - disconnected from the network (mac: XXXXX | ip: | hostname:?)

however this iPhone was not disconnected from wifi, and the second iPhone was connected to wifi (and it was in my hand while browsing internet so I am totally sure it was on wifi), so I don't understand how is it possible that my automation started.

any hints?


Drewbacca2 commented 2 years ago

The same thing happens to me frequently. It triggers my presence information to go into Away mode, which turns on my Roomba vacuums. It's really frustrating for this to happen in the middle of the night. I've got it connected to both my phone and my wife's, but it kept going off. So then I added my Apple Watch... but it would go off too since watches don't stay connected all the time. I have everything looking up by MAC addresses, although I did add some IP addresses in for my wife's and my phones with an address range, but even this failed to connect. Initially I thought it was related to my phone going into low power mode, which did happen a couple times. However, each and every phone in the house has disconnected from this plug in, even when there's no low power mode. The phones are connected to WiFi and show up as devices on my router. Any idea how to resolve this?