nitrite / nitrite-java

NoSQL embedded document store for Java
Apache License 2.0
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Support for document TTL/expiration #166

Closed sheinbergon closed 5 years ago

sheinbergon commented 5 years ago

Though not directly supported via the underlying MVStore, adding support for object TTL via some kind of maintenance thread could be a valuable feature.

TareqK commented 5 years ago

Nitirte has events that you can listen for, as per the documentation here. You can simply add a change listener for your collections, and use a ScheduledExecutorService from java concurrency and implement the TTL yourself.

sheinbergon commented 5 years ago

@TareqK that's not really how you address the issue of document expiration/TTL:

TareqK commented 5 years ago

It cannot rely on modification operations

The method i suggested does not, you simply schedule the delete when the document is inserted(you cant delete a document that isnt inserted), by listening for an insertion event. Its that simple.

You simply need to check that the event type is insert,(ie, event type is ChangeType.INSERT) schedule the event, and let the application continue running. Everything is done in a non-blocking way, including the handling of the insertion event and the deletion, since

Event listener code always executes in a background thread in a non-blocking fashion.


An ObjectRepository also supports the same set of operations that NitriteCollection supports. It is also observable and tread-safe for concurrent use.

So i dont see any need to implement and test more code in the database itself for this use case, since the tools to do what you need are already there.

sheinbergon commented 5 years ago

TTLs can get more complicated than "schedule an in-memory deletion once the document is inserted" and forget about it":

TTL is a very common (and desirable) feature in Document/KV stores, though it's not always easy to implement correctly. The best approach to discussing such a feature is probably not doing it in the comments section of a github issue.

As for you seeing no need to add more code to the an open-source project... well just because you can roll your own partial solution with minimal effort (or a full one with way too much effort for a user-based solution) doesn't mean it shouldn't ever be part of the core project "because more code and tests". That's not a very open-source and fruitful approach to requested feature discussion.

Neither of us is the/a maintainer (unless I've missed something) for this project, and neither of us gets to decide if it's going to be a nofix or an enhancement. I've merely opened the issue to see if @anidotnet might consider it (or not), and it's up to him.

anidotnet commented 5 years ago

I had this very thought at the initial stage, but I backed off. Because, for embedded databases like nitrite, maintaining a ttl monitoring thread is costly. When your application is closed, nitrite has no way to delete expired documents or indices. It will only delete when your application starts up and database is loaded. This will increase your application startup time as you have to wait until the ttl monitoring thread expunge all the expired documents, for correctness.

In your application you can very well create a ScheduledExecutorService to monitor a specific collection/object repository and evict the expired documents at a specific stage/time of your choice. So it would be better off to delegate this task to the application rather than to the library.

But I am open to discussions. Please feel free to share your views. If it helps the community to have a ttl feature in nitrite, I can squeeze it in.

anidotnet commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue for now due to inactivity.