nix-community / cache-nix-action

Cache Nix store in GitHub Actions to speed up workflows [maintainer=@deemp]
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[BUG] `merge-similar-caches` can't discover caches when using BuildJet backend #41

Open deemp opened 1 month ago

deemp commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Individual caches were created:

However, they weren't discovered:

To Reproduce

Run "Nix CI with BuildJet backend" at this commit.

Expected behavior

merge-similar-caches discovers individual caches and restores them.


We use a custom cache package for the BuildJet backend (link). This package comes from BuildJet/toolkit synchronized with actions/toolkit.

The action tries to restore all caches with matching prefixes (link) and calls octokit (link). However, octokit can't see caches created by BuildJet.

We need a way to interact with BuildJet caches.

The problem is that BuildJet didn't update the github package (link).