I'm running into an issue where a dependency of mine is failing to build during the unpack phase because one of it's dependencies can't be found.
The error I'm getting is:
My Cargo.toml specifies the clickhouse-rs crate like this
clickhouse-rs = {git = "https://github.com/suharev7/clickhouse-rs", branch = "async-await"}
and the clickhouse-rs crate specifies it's dependency on the cityhash crate like this
path = "clickhouse-rs-cityhash-sys"
version = "0.1.2"
Hi! I'm running into an issue where a dependency of mine is failing to build during the unpack phase because one of it's dependencies can't be found. The error I'm getting is:
My Cargo.toml specifies the clickhouse-rs crate like this
clickhouse-rs = {git = "https://github.com/suharev7/clickhouse-rs", branch = "async-await"}
and the clickhouse-rs crate specifies it's dependency on the cityhash crate like thisIt's a local dependency here https://github.com/suharev7/clickhouse-rs/tree/async-await/clickhouse-rs-cityhash-sys
To me, the crate looks properly specified as a local path according to the docs but I could be totally wrong.
Any help would be really appreciated! thanks!