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bug: kitty and wezterm have trouble processing ime input (because they are spammed by fcitx5-daemon ?) #5369

Open teto opened 4 weeks ago

teto commented 4 weeks ago

Are you following the right branch?

Is there an existing issue for this?

Issue description

Kitty had trouble processing my input:

I tried to switch to wezterm. At first it all seemed fine but then I experienced the same and wezterm had the tendency to lockup (the wayland backend is being rewritten, that might be why). Then I found and as I explained later on in the thread, kitty was receiving lots of IME-related events even without me using the keyboard. systemctl stop --user fcitx5-daemon fixed the issue. I have yet to investigate the situation. Looks like there is an execve failure in my fcitx5 journal.

Putting it out there since fix was not obvious.

Maintainer CC

No response

System information

teto commented 14 hours ago

just found out by looking at that it's a known bug