nix-community / neovim-nightly-overlay

[maintainer=@GaetanLepage, @willruggiano]
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Fails to build on non NixOS non flake #530

Closed YarochkinAnton closed 4 weeks ago

YarochkinAnton commented 1 month ago


Provided configuration for home-manager stopped working for me recently.

nixpkgs.overlays = [
    (import (builtins.fetchTarball {
        url =;

On home-manager switch this config gives me the following error:

       error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set: { default = «thunk»; }
       at /nix/store/099v28jb1qxpw8qnvzsf4chirzfq9avb-source/default.nix:2:1:
            1| final: prev:
            2| (import ./flake-compat.nix).overlays final prev
             | ^

Strangely it also spits out this error referencing k9s module, but it disappears after commenting out overlay config

       … while evaluating the attribute 'activationPackage'
         at /home/poplav/.nix-defexpr/channels/home-manager/modules/default.nix:1:1164:
       … while evaluating a branch condition
         at /nix/store/qn57fhi2zd75x7xpzsah7asxnlqa4ds5-nixpkgs-24.05/nixpkgs/lib/lists.nix:125:9:
          124|       fold' = n:
          125|         if n == len
             |         ^
          126|         then nul

       … while evaluating the module argument `pkgs' in "/home/poplav/.nix-defexpr/channels/home-manager/modules/programs/k9s.nix":

Is it because of the recent change? Can you help fixing this?

willruggiano commented 1 month ago

Fixed by #532