nix-community / neovim-nightly-overlay

[maintainer=@GaetanLepage, @willruggiano]
287 stars 39 forks source link

[NOTICE] Upstream breaking changes #533

Open willruggiano opened 1 month ago

willruggiano commented 1 month ago

If you've recently updated your system to depend on a recent commit (at least of this repository, you might encounter an error like that seen in #521. If you do, ensure that you have a recent nixpkgs package set (at least

There were a number of commits introduced upstream (i.e. nixpkgs) where breaking changes (and subsequent reverts) were made to the packaging of neovim-unwrapped (particularly as it relates to bundling tree-sitter parsers), for example;

This advice applies particularly to those of you which override the nixpkgs input for this flake, e.g.

inputs.neovim-nightly-overlay.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "your nixpkgs";

as well as those of you that use the flake's default overlay, e.g.

  nixpkgs.overlays = [
TeleVoyant commented 3 weeks ago

aarrg, now i'm sarge. any propositions to go around this?