nix-community / nix-doom-emacs

doom-emacs packaged for Nix [maintainers=@thiagokokada]
MIT License
224 stars 43 forks source link

Build failure (`emacs-with-editor`): no matching file(s) found in /build/working/with-editor/. #205

Closed bobbbay closed 2 years ago

bobbbay commented 2 years ago

I recently ran nix flake update, which pulled in the newest version of nix-doom-emacs. Upon rebuild, I encounter the following error:

error: builder for '/nix/store/6s6nk4zdd11w9455qc7cyaaipq9rpy0q-emacs-with-editor-20220608.1017.drv' failed with exit code 255;
       last 8 log lines:
       > unpacking sources
       > unpacking source archive /nix/store/8qh87iwm8knlk4sy11glgxqsd95zgds5-source
       > source root is source
       > patching sources
       > configuring
       > no configure script, doing nothing
       > building
       > No matching file(s) found in /build/working/with-editor/: (*.el * dir *.info *.texi *.texinfo doc/dir doc/*.info doc/*.texi doc/*.texinfo (:exclude .dir-locals.el test.el tests.el *-test.el *-tests.el))
       For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/6s6nk4zdd11w9455qc7cyaaipq9rpy0q-emacs-with-editor-20220608.1017.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/sqai1if7i8bg2788n6kvmr06p43d4c2d-install-repo.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/3sc158xk9df0fnwiqpj0jq7hapix1zf8-straight-emacs-env.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/srb79inhviafr9pwxnx21ch7d4zvygpq-emacs-with-packages-27.2.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/gd3hnlcrg3w7l6yn93h1ggarm6ksxwnb-emacs-with-packages-with-packages-27.2.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/73l7fv9jrjp2sad8p5f2bpxndhaiis27-emacs.service.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/nxnx3kmmkhwp8y9hkabpwb75k7wxjw51-home-manager-files.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/v8g2dzpn2snwr0sbviv88afbc6cf9p1r-home-manager-path.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/hh6kvfdx2830k0clnn0zxjhwlkhz02c2-home-manager-generation.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/4p39svf2yibmf30ir0h0nmfzn4ach775-user-environment.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/ccg9iy13gcsj8sdifl85xln86rq1fy3z-etc.drv' failed to build
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/rjacj9rmzdlpa6kqs4paqay6z61k62wk-nixos-system-NotYourLaptop-21.11.20220702.573603b.drv' failed to build

The nix log reveals:

@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/8qh87iwm8knlk4sy11glgxqsd95zgds5-source
source root is source
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
patching sources
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
no configure script, doing nothing
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
No matching file(s) found in /build/working/with-editor/: (*.el * dir *.info *.texi *.texinfo doc/dir doc/*.info doc/*.texi doc/*.texinfo (:exclude .dir-locals.el test.el tests.el *-test.el *-tests.el))

I have tried opening the nix store directory:

❯ ls
  inode Permissions Links Size Blocks User Date Modified Name              inode Permissions Links Size Blocks User Date Modified Name
1602903 .r--r--r--      1  801      8 root  1 Jan  1970      1602910 dr-xr-xr-x      2    -      - root  1 Jan  1970   lisp
1602904 dr-xr-xr-x      2    -      - root  1 Jan  1970   docs          1602901 .r--r--r--      1 1.2k      8 root  1 Jan  1970   Makefile
1602900 .r--r--r--      1  35k     72 root  1 Jan  1970   LICENSE       1602902 .r--r--r--      1 2.4k      8 root  1 Jan  1970  

And reading the documentation, it clearly is the with-editor package:

❯ bat docs/

       │ File: docs/
   1   │ #+title: With-Editor User Manual
   2   │ :PREAMBLE:
   3   │ #+author: Jonas Bernoulli
   4   │ #+email:
   5   │ #+date: 2015-{{{year}}}
   6   │
   7   │ #+texinfo_dir_category: Emacs
   8   │ #+texinfo_dir_title: With-Editor: (with-editor).
   9   │ #+texinfo_dir_desc: Using the Emacsclient as $EDITOR
  10   │ #+subtitle: for version 3.2.0-git
  11   │
  12   │ #+setupfile: .orgconfig
  13   │
  14   │ The library ~with-editor~ makes it easy to use the Emacsclient as the
  15   │ ~$EDITOR~ of child processes, making sure they know how to call home.
  16   │ For remote processes a substitute is provided, which communicates with
  17   │ Emacs on standard output instead of using a socket as the Emacsclient
  18   │ does.
  19   │
  20   │ This library was written because Magit has to be able to do the above
  21   │ to allow the user to edit commit messages gracefully and to edit
  22   │ rebase sequences, which wouldn't be possible at all otherwise.
  23   │
  24   │ Because other packages can benefit from such functionality, this
  25   │ library is made available as a separate package.  It also defines some
  26   │ additional functionality which makes it useful even for end-users, who
  27   │ don't use Magit or another package which uses it internally.
  28   │
  29   │ #+texinfo: @noindent
  30   │ This manual is for With-Editor version 3.2.0-git.


Interestingly, building this package directly from nixpkgs seems to be fine.

❯ nix build nixpkgs#emacs28Packages.with-editor
(no output)

Very interestingly, if I try to pin the older version of nix-doom-emacs (that worked just fine) (without downgrading the rest of my inputs), the build script cannot find git.

       > Searching for program: No such file or directory, git
       > Error in kill-emacs-hook (straight--transaction-finalize): (file-missing "Opening output file" "No such file or directory" "/build/tmp.MRp0BCVpGg/local/straight/build-27.2-cache.el")

Fortunately, I can reset my flake.lock for now (yay Nix!), meaning I will be running an old - but functioning - Doom Emacs.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something wrong?

thiagokokada commented 2 years ago

Which version of nixpkgs are you using? Emacs 27.2 seems to indicate you're using 21.11, because 22.05 ships with Emacs 28.

thiagokokada commented 2 years ago

Also, if you can post the inputs of your Flake and maybe your flake.lock, this can help a lot.

bobbbay commented 2 years ago

Funnily enough, I was indeed running on 21.11. However, now that I have updated to 22.05, I still get an error:

error: the string 'Installing Doom Emacs!

       - Skipping /nix/store/r1pja3pfv1bkk8yg5wdjkyrk3rz8bhlf-emacs-tangle-configuration-dev/ (already exists)
         - Skipping init.el (already exists)
         - Skipping config.el (already exists)
         - Skipping packages.el (already exists)
       Installing plugins
       > Installing packages...
         - No packages need to be installed
       Regenerating autoloads files
       Deploying commit-msg and pre-push git hooks
         - Loaded "/nix/store/8qb3lirb30xpwla4adjbqhdzxni96drw-doom-src/ci.el"
         ! Cannot locate a git repo in ./
       ✓  Finished! Doom is ready to go!

       But before you doom yourself, here are some things you should know:

       1. Don't forget to run 'doom sync', then restart Emacs, after modifying
          ~/.doom.d/init.el or ~/.doom.d/packages.el.

          This command ensures needed packages are installed, orphaned packages are
          removed, and your autoloads/cache files are up to date. When in doubt, run
          'doom sync'!

       2. If something goes wrong, run `doom doctor`. It diagnoses common issues with
          your environment and setup, and may offer clues about what is wrong.

       3. Use 'doom upgrade' to update Doom. Doing it any other way will require
          additional steps. Run 'doom help upgrade' to understand those extra steps.

       4. Access Doom's documentation from within Emacs via 'SPC h d h' or 'C-h d h'
          (or 'M-x doom/help')

       Have fun!

       ["company-math","company-reftex","company-auctex","cdlatex","evil-tex","latex-preview-pane","adaptive-wrap","auctex","rustic","company-nixos-options","nix-update","nix-mode","ob-async","org-roam","revealjs","org-re-reveal","org-tree-slide","centered-window","org-fancy-priorities","org-superstar","org-appear","org-brain","orgit","org-pdftools","evil-org","org-cliplink","toc-org","ox-clip","org-yt","htmlize","avy","org-contrib","org","buttercup","elisp-demos","elisp-def","overseer","macrostep","highlight-quoted","evil-terminal-cursor-changer","xclip","kurecolor","rainbow-mode","saveplace-pdf-view","pdf-tools","code-review","magit-todos","magit-gitflow","magit","envrc","consult-lsp","lsp-ui","lsp-mode","vterm","undo-fu-session","undo-fu","fd-dired","dired-rsync","diff-hl","dired-git-info","diredfl","doom-snippets","auto-yasnippet","format-all","evil-vimish-fold","vimish-fold","yasnippet","evil-collection","evil-quick-diff","exato","evil-visualstar","evil-traces","evil-textobj-anyblock","evil-surround","evil-snipe","evil-numbers","evil-nerd-commenter","evil-lion","evil-indent-plus","evil-exchange","evil-escape","evil-embrace","evil-easymotion","evil-args","evil","mixed-pitch","writeroom-mode","centaur-tabs","persp-mode","evil-anzu","anzu","doom-modeline","emojify","solaire-mode","doom-themes","company-box","company-dict","company","wgrep","marginalia","embark-consult","embark","consult-dir","consult","orderless","vertico","which-key","general","project","projectile","ws-butler","smartparens","pcre2el","helpful","dtrt-indent","better-jumper","restart-emacs","rainbow-delimiters","highlight-numbers","hide-mode-line","all-the-icons","use-package","straight","explain-pause-mode","gcmh","auto-minor-mode"]' is not allowed to refer to a store path (such as '')

Here is my flake.lock:

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ckiee commented 2 years ago

For some awful reason I would not like to know the nix-straight in your flake.lock is on an older commit that doesn't work with the newer nix-doom-emacs you're using. Please update it and hope someone feels like fixing the (evidently) crappy nix flake {lock,update} situation.

This took a bit to figure out :P

bobbbay commented 2 years ago

That's so weird... Thank you, that worked!