nix-community / nixGL

A wrapper tool for nix OpenGL application [maintainer=@guibou]
712 stars 81 forks source link

Test results with GeForce GTX 1060 6GB #43

Open manveru opened 4 years ago

manveru commented 4 years ago

Running the ./Test.hs, I get quite a number of failures.

    fails with unwrapped glxinfo64 FAILED [1]
    fails with unwrapped glxinfo32 FAILED [2]
    fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo64 FAILED [3]
    fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo32 FAILED [4]
      32 bits FAILED [5]
      64 bits
        # PENDING: exception in beforeAll-hook (see previous failure)
      32 bits FAILED [6]
      64 bits
        # PENDING: exception in beforeAll-hook (see previous failure)
  Nvidia - Bumblebee
      32 bits FAILED [7]
      64 bits
        # PENDING: exception in beforeAll-hook (see previous failure)
      32 bits
        # PENDING: No reason given
      64 bits
        # PENDING: No reason given
      32 bits FAILED [8]
      64 bits
        # PENDING: exception in beforeAll-hook (see previous failure)
      32 bits FAILED [9]
      64 bits
        # PENDING: exception in beforeAll-hook (see previous failure)


  1) Sanity.OpenGL fails with unwrapped glxinfo64
       expected: Nothing
        but got: Just "OpenGL version string: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 440.82"

  To rerun use: --match "/Sanity/OpenGL/fails with unwrapped glxinfo64/"

  2) Sanity.OpenGL fails with unwrapped glxinfo32
       expected: Nothing
        but got: Just "OpenGL version string: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 440.82"

  To rerun use: --match "/Sanity/OpenGL/fails with unwrapped glxinfo32/"

  3) Sanity.Vulkan fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo64
       did not get expected exception: IOException

  To rerun use: --match "/Sanity/Vulkan/fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo64/"

  4) Sanity.Vulkan fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo32
       did not get expected exception: IOException

  To rerun use: --match "/Sanity/Vulkan/fails with unwrapped vulkaninfo32/"

  5) NixGL.Mesa.OpenGL 32 bits
       uncaught exception: IOException of type OtherError
       readCreateProcess: nix-build "./" "-A" "nixGLIntel" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)" (exit 1): failed

  To rerun use: --match "/NixGL/Mesa/OpenGL/32 bits/"

  6) NixGL.Mesa.Vulkan 32 bits
       uncaught exception: IOException of type OtherError
       readCreateProcess: nix-build "./" "-A" "nixVulkanIntel" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)" (exit 1): failed

  To rerun use: --match "/NixGL/Mesa/Vulkan/32 bits/"

  7) NixGL, Nvidia - Bumblebee, OpenGL, 32 bits
       uncaught exception: IOException of type OtherError
       readCreateProcess: nix-build "./" "-A" "nixGLNvidiaBumblebee" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)" (exit 1): failed

  To rerun use: --match "/NixGL/Nvidia - Bumblebee/OpenGL/32 bits/"

  8) NixGL.Nvidia.OpenGL 32 bits
       uncaught exception: IOException of type OtherError
       readCreateProcess: nix-build "./" "-A" "nixGLNvidia" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)" (exit 1): failed

  To rerun use: --match "/NixGL/Nvidia/OpenGL/32 bits/"

  9) NixGL.Nvidia.Vulkan 32 bits
       uncaught exception: IOException of type OtherError
       readCreateProcess: nix-build "./" "-A" "nixVulkanNvidia" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)" (exit 1): failed

  To rerun use: --match "/NixGL/Nvidia/Vulkan/32 bits/"

Randomized with seed 69736739

Finished in 16.7898 seconds
16 examples, 9 failures, 7 pending
guibou commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this repport.

Could you share me your operating system please ? I guess you are on nixos 19.08 based on the results of the Sanity checks. So it means that by default you have a correct opengl setup and that's surprising.

Could you share the output of:

nix-build "./" "-A" "nixGLNvidia" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small)"

And which commit or nixGL you used.

manveru commented 4 years ago

I'm on NixOS 20.03 at 74a80c5a9ab04f87d48b91281f8508ee4b631d43. nixGL is at e2cc0101af3a45d3d1bfe71e3edb821be3868ac4.

I assume you meant

nix-build "./" "-A" "nixGLNvidia" "--arg" "pkgs" "import (fetchTarball channel:nixos-19.09-small) { config.allowUnfree = true; }"

and for 20.03 it's /nix/store/06l4rdzhvnsi1pmm88i4gy58j9d9gfp5-nixGLNvidia-440.82

guibou commented 4 years ago

That's surprising. The nix-build command works when you run it directly, but not during the test.