nix-community / npmlock2nix

nixify npm based packages [maintainer=@andir]
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Fails to build @cloudflare/wrangler@beta (due to NPM workspaces?) #144

Open tv42 opened 2 years ago

tv42 commented 2 years ago

NPM now has a "workspace" concept, where multiple packages reside in the same repository, and share the same package-lock.json. Wrangler2 (the rewrite that is known by NPM as @cloudflare/wrangler@beta, hosted in a different repository from the stable version) fails to build, and.. maybe it's because it's using a workspace?

Here's a couple of attempts to build wrangler2 using npmlock2nix:

$ nix build .#theSubDir
error: [npmlock2nix] A valid dependency consists of at least the resolved and integrity field. Missing one or both of them for `@ampproject/remapping`. The object I got looks like this: {"requires":{"@jridgewell/trace-mapping":"^0.2.2","sourcemap-codec":"1.4.8"},"version":"2.0.2"}
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
$ nix build .#hybrid
error: [npmlock2nix] A valid dependency consists of at least the resolved and integrity field. Missing one or both of them for `@ampproject/remapping`. The object I got looks like this: {"requires":{"@jridgewell/trace-mapping":"^0.2.2","sourcemap-codec":"1.4.8"},"version":"2.0.2"}
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
$ nix build .#theRoot
error: [npmlock2nix] A valid dependency consists of at least the resolved and integrity field. Missing one or both of them for `@ampproject/remapping`. The object I got looks like this: {"requires":{"@jridgewell/trace-mapping":"^0.2.2","sourcemap-codec":"1.4.8"},"version":"2.0.2"}
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)


  description = "Wrangler2";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = github:nixos/nixpkgs;
    flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils;
    npmlock2nix = {
      url = github:nix-community/npmlock2nix;
      flake = false;
    wrangler2 = {
      # this is tag wrangler@0.0.17, which is rejected by Nix likely due to the at sign
      url = "github:cloudflare/wrangler2/3789b164ec5f56e59545bb7059e20e8543e0d95b";
      flake = false;

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }@inputs:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
        pkgs = import nixpkgs {
          system = "x86_64-linux";
        npmlock2nix = import inputs.npmlock2nix.outPath {
          pkgs = pkgs;

        packages.theRoot = {
          src = inputs.wrangler2.outPath;
          buildCommands = [ "cd packages/wrangler && npm run build" ];
          installPhase = "cp -r dist $out";

        packages.hybrid = {
          src = inputs.wrangler2.outPath;
          packageJson = "${inputs.wrangler2.outPath}/packages/wrangler/package.json";
          packageLockJson = "${inputs.wrangler2.outPath}/package-lock.json";
          buildCommands = [ "cd packages/wrangler && npm run build" ];
          installPhase = "cp -r dist $out";

        packages.theSubDir = {
          src = "${inputs.wrangler2.outPath}/packages/wrangler";
          packageJson = "${inputs.wrangler2.outPath}/packages/wrangler/package.json";
          packageLockJson = "${inputs.wrangler2.outPath}/package-lock.json";
          buildCommands = [ "npm run build" ];
          installPhase = "cp -r dist $out";
tv42 commented 2 years ago

Oh the "integrity" field issue might be due to changes in npm? See

milahu commented 2 years ago

another example in the wild: portiaui/package-lock.json

  "name": "portia-ui",
  "version": "2.0.0-alpha",
  "lockfileVersion": 1,
  "requires": true,
  "dependencies": {

    "npm": {

      "dependencies": {

        "async-some": {
          "version": "1.0.2",
          "integrity": "sha1-TYqBYg1ZWHkbW5j4AtMgd3bpVQk=",
          "dev": true,
          "requires": {
            "dezalgo": "^1.0.2"

error: [npmlock2nix] A valid dependency consists of at least the resolved and integrity field. Missing one or both of them for `async-some`. The object I got looks like this: {"dev":true,"integrity":"sha1-TYqBYg1ZWHkbW5j4AtMgd3bpVQk=","requires":{"dezalgo":"^1.0.2"},"version":"1.0.2"}

workaround: use the default registry

sha1sum async-some-1.0.2.tgz | cut -d' ' -f1 | xxd -r -ps | base64 
# TYqBYg1ZWHkbW5j4AtMgd3bpVQk=