nix-rust / nix

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type mismatch in on Solaris #1987

Open gco opened 1 year ago

gco commented 1 year ago

Several flags added for Solaris are 64-bit unsigned integers causing:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   --> /pool/projects/rust/rust-1.67.0/.cargo/registry/src/
41  |  / macro_rules! libc_bitflags {
42  |  |     (
43  |  |         $(#[$outer:meta])*
44  |  |         pub struct $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty {
...    |
56  |  |                     const $Flag = libc::$Flag $(as $cast)*;
    |  |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `i32`, found `i64`
...    |
60  |  |     };
61  |  | }
    |  |_- in this expansion of `libc_bitflags!`
   ::: /pool/projects/rust/rust-1.67.0/.cargo/registry/src/
20  | /  libc_bitflags!(
21  | |      /// Standard interface flags, used by `getifaddrs`
22  | |      pub struct InterfaceFlags: libc::c_int {
23  | |          /// Interface is running. (see
...   |
268 | |      }
269 | |  );
    | |__- in this macro invocation
asomers commented 1 year ago

Is this a problem for Illumos too?

gco commented 1 year ago

No, it looks like all of the enumeration tags larger than i32 are conditional on Solaris.

asomers commented 1 year ago

Nix doesn't have any CI for solaris and the maintainers don't make any attempt to support it. But if you submit a PR to fix this, we'll accept it.