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ClearLogos and fallback text inconsistent between TV and Movie menues #152

Closed baxter300 closed 4 years ago

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

I currently have two widgets set up on my home page, both to my watchlist. One via the My Movies section, the other My Shows. The watchlist widget and menu are both able to show ClearLogos for movies (although they’re populated in very few instances, I believe this is due to a know bug), and will use the fallback text of the Movie title. However the TV series will show no ClearLogos, and uses the generic fallback text of just “TV”.

Initially I was leaning toward this being a skin issue, but now that’s it’s partially working for one menu type I’m wondering if it’s possible that the title of the TV series isn’t there to be displayed by the skin

nixgates commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 could you identify some titles that this issue is occurring on?

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@nixgates It’s all TV titles, I have two tv widgets (Next Up, and Watchlist), both just say TV at the top (where ClearLogos or Location Label would be) rather than the title of the one that is selected

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

@nixgates I have the same issue. I mentioned it in issue #153 , although TVDB had issues, the clear logo issue has been present since before that. I had a lot of missing artwork over the last few days (TVDB) but yesterday everything came back exccept the clear logos. I removed Seren and the userdata folder and re setup just to make sure. Here are some labeled comparison pictures between Seren and OpenMeta

In the pictures, the top clear logo isn't populated by the addons. For me, it's coming from Artwork Beef settings in advancedsettings.xml so ignore that one. The landscape tile in Bingie is actually 2 separate images, a landscape fanart with a clear logo layered on top. Both of these images Seren should pull but it isn't. I've noticed this with all TV titles for quite a bit now

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@soulTV @nixgates apologies if I explained my issue poorly but I think mines a little different, this is not about individual titles missing artwork but rather the entire section in the addon.

For example if I have ClearLogos or Folder Labels switched on in the Seren settings, then when I’m in a movies menu or on a widget linked to that menu then highlighting a title will either give the Logo or text displaying g the name of the title at the very top of the screen. However, it seems to be working a little differently for TV shows. With a widget, the top of the screen will just say “TV” or what ever I have named that widget, and in the menus themselves it will just be blank.

So Seren>Discover Movies>Trending>”Avengers: Endgame” will either show “Avengers: Endgame” or the logo at the top Seren>Discover Shows>Trending>”The Boys” there is nothing displayed at the top

At first I thought this was a Trakt issue, or possibly related to the above mentioned TVDB issues, but it’s on all menus under either of the TV sections in Seren. This makes me think either something inconsistent is being passed back to the skin, for movies than tv shows, or my skin (Arctic Zephyr 2) is reacting differently to them

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 Pretty sure this is the same issue. I forgot to mention that this behavior only affects TV shows. For a movie (Avengers) it will show clear logo or the the title in plain text. For TV shows, (The Boys), my skin shows neither clear logo or the title in plain text.

In the pictures I posted make sure you ignore the top large clear logo and landscape as they are handled by another plugin. Focus on the widgets and compare what's missing on mine to yours and you'll see we have the same issue

nixgates commented 5 years ago

Apologies guys, I'm having some trouble identifying what we are referencing here.

Could we maybe get some screenshots of the issues so I can visibly see what we are talking about? (Please make sure you censor any personal information)

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

Yeah sure, apologies I didn’t just do this in the first place I wasn’t at home. And further apologies that these are photos rather than screen shots.

But you can see from the below that as well as all ClearLogos not pulling through for me (which as I’ve mentioned is probably a TVDB issue), the text at the top is different for widgets or the menus themselves when ClearLogos are unavailable

nixgates commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 @SoulTV thanks guys, I think I can see what you are mentioning here.

I've had a look and I can't find the fault in the current development version so it may be that it's fixed but I don't believe there has been any changes to that side of the addon so I just want to check a few things first.

Could we do a quick and ensure you both have your Fanart API keys added to Seren?

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@nixgates I’ve just created a new FanArt API, added it into Seren, cleared metadata, cleared Seren cache, purged Kodi cache packages and thumbnails. Still seeing no ClearLogos for movies but getting the top label, and still getting nothing for TV shows

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

Nix i believe you fixed this in the dev build (the lack of clearlogos) , by having lookup clearlogo by TMDB ID instead of imdb id

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

I'm also confirming both in Movies and Shows Trakt watchlist , i'm getting titles AND clear logos , all view types i choose in my skin auramod , are showing pritty much everything . On dev build , so it very well could be fixed .

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@SerpentDrago thanks mate, don’t think the dev build is available to me so I’ll check on the next public

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

@nixgates my bad, haven't checked back in a few days. I've checked my Fanart API key and everything looks good. Is there any way I could get access to the dev version?

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

Theres no "dev" version per say , just some updates sometimes sent though various channels , when things are being worked on , in the future nix may just update the github one and not the repo a bit before release onto repo

nixgates commented 5 years ago

Ok cool, we can put a pin in this one until next public release

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@nixgates Works for me, having seen @SoulTV ‘s screen shots I’ve actually install Titan Bingie almost all of the ClearArt for movies is now there so half of my issue seems to be resolved and must have been a skin problem. For the TV side of things I’ll hang fire and wait for the update

drinfernoo commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 Can you confirm that these are working now?

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@drinfernoo strangely, all ClearArt seems to be missing now

drinfernoo commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 You'll have to be using as your preferred artwork provider, and have a API key entered in settings for them to work now.

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@drinfernoo I’ve just tried that, set it to FanArt and double checked that my API key was still there, still no luck

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

Thx for the update, this is still a problem with 1.4.6. It seems like some clear art that wasn't working before is. But the fallback text does not work for tv shows that don't have clear art. Here's a pic

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@soulTV interesting to see we appear to have adopted each others’ skins... have you tried with Bingie?

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 lol, guess so. No I haven't tried with Bingie but I assume the large text at the top is working for you but the fallback text on the actual widget isn't. I'll check out Bingie later and see

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

Still Absolutely no issues here , full meta clear and using default primary artwork providers and settings , just fanart api key entered .

I'm using Latest github version of Auramod

I'll try clearing all meta again , and disabling artwork lookup in my skin . could be i'm getting filled in by the skins ability .

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

@SerpentDrago Can you try AZ2 and see if your fallback text works for TV shows and take a screen shot of a TV show widget on your home page and inside of Seren that does NOT have clear art? Screen shot would really help. I've fresh installed Seren and AZ2 and still have the issue

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

Also doc seemed to agree that it isn't working when we talked on dicord so I'm wondering if we're all missing something

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

Yeh seems that my Skin auarmod was helping out .

I can't do any real testing right now , because my isp is currently all jacked to hell in general , on a full clear . not even my skin is not getting timeouts and issues .

I've tested current build / version of all things yesterday with auramod full cache clear EVERYTING and it was working with auramod at least . I know for sure on shield and pc (was doing widget loading time testing ) (fyi improvement to that is in the works )

For now , i'd suggest switching everything to fanart , enter a key , and Clear all cache / trakt meta data / do a total cleanup with a wizard , delete textures.db / clear kodi thumbnails / etc . Fanart will be slower but you should get ALL artwork

then let it fully load . it should all work . make sure you enable clearart and clearlogs in serens settings .

SerpentDrago commented 5 years ago

Please be aware , as of right now , FANART servers are having massive issue s. so not a good time to be doing testing

SOOTTV commented 5 years ago

All good I already made the switch to fanart and entered my key cleared cache and meta data in Seren, did full cleanup with aftermath and restarted. I don't think art is missing. I think where art doesn't exist/ is unavailable Seren or AZ2 isn't providing a title. Because with movies, the fallback text is there even if there is no art for an item whatsoever. I tested both TMDB/TVDB and after clearing everything and the fallback issue is present using both

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

Strangely I’m getting 0 ClearArt. In Titan Bingie you get the labels on the widgets when the ClearArt is unavailable, previously I was only seeing this on TV shows now I’m seeing it on everything. I’ve cleared the cache in Seren, and I’ve used EZ Maintenance to clear packages/cache/thumbs, restarted the machine and still no ClearArt which was available when using the previous version of Seren.

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

Quick update - I bit the bullet and did a fresh install of Kodi, I’m seeing the same issue. Although now as well as the ClearArt not displaying for widgets, it has now gone from the top too. Here’s the screen shot @SoulTv provided when this issue was first created I’m now not only missing it over the widget, it’s also gone from the very top left hand side where you can see “Harlot” in the above example

nixgates commented 5 years ago

A few of us have been looking into this a bit and have noticed massive timeouts with's service

I think what's really going on here is the fact that the skin can see the URL for the image provided by Seren so it doesn't fallback to text. Kodi attempts to acquire the image set by the skin through a curl request but hits a timeout to

Everything down the chain is doing the right thing up until the transaction between Kodi and where it falls over. Unfortunately this is a point where neither the skin or Seren can do anything about it.

@SoulTV if you wouldn't mind, could I ask you to provide a log or at the very least, check your log for the timeouts for the images to confirm this theory?

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, appreciate you looking into it. Maybe it’s an 18.4 specific issue and that’s why I only saw it this week. I’ve just tried switching labels (fallback text) back on and you’re right, it’s displaying no labels for moves, as if the skin “thinks” the ClearArt is being displayed. Still displaying the labels for my NextUp widget though so I think my original issue is still open, although let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.

This might be a daft question, but in the advanced artwork settings for Seren, Clear Logos is an option under movies when TMDd is set as the provider, is there a way to pull them from there?

nixgates commented 5 years ago

@baxter300 In regards to clear logos if that was the case with the current public it's already fixed for the next update.

In regards to the text labels, if you searched for the show does it display the artwork correctly? If not then the episode will also not display it. The artwork from the show is populated down through to the episode and then the episode specific artwork is populated onto that.

baxter300 commented 5 years ago

@Nixgates currently still an issue with 1.4.8. If it’s fixed in a version after that I’ll wait and test it when it is released.

As for the Next Up issue though, it seems as if the issue only effects that particular menu. All other widgets pointing to TV menus have their ClearArt. I’ve added some screenshots below to try and illustrate what I’m seeing a little better

nixgates commented 4 years ago

@baxter300 could I request to see if you have the issue currently?

There was a fair whack of meta work completed in 1.6.0.

baxter300 commented 4 years ago

@nixgates yep the newer part to my issue is fixed as of 1.6.2, ClearArt now showing layered over the landscape images on tv and movies watchlist.

For the original reason for the issue though (ClearArt not showing on the Next Up widgets) I think this may be because the items in that list aren’t actually shows, they’re episodes, and the artwork pulled through is for the episode and the season as opposed to the show (which you’d see on trending etc.). Either way I’m happy for this to be closed now as I think looking to pull the show artwork through to each episode would be more effort than it’s worth, and given Netflix’ decision to switch to a poster based view I imagine Bingie will be following suit soon enough

nixgates commented 4 years ago

@baxter300 good to hear. All the best!