nixin72 / from-template

Raco tool for cloning templates from the racket-templates org
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

`raco new` without template to list available templates like `dotnet new` #13

Closed spdegabrielle closed 2 years ago

spdegabrielle commented 2 years ago

raco new without template to list available templates like dotnet new:

C:\Users\stde\Documents\New folder (3)>dotnet new

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Template Name                                 Short Name           Language    Tags
--------------------------------------------  -------------------  ----------  ----------------------
Console Application                           console              [C#],F#,VB  Common/Console
Class library                                 classlib             [C#],F#,VB  Common/Library
WPF Application                               wpf                  [C#],VB     Common/WPF
WPF Class library                             wpflib               [C#],VB     Common/WPF
WPF Custom Control Library                    wpfcustomcontrollib  [C#],VB     Common/WPF
WPF User Control Library                      wpfusercontrollib    [C#],VB     Common/WPF
Windows Forms App                             winforms             [C#],VB     Common/WinForms
Windows Forms Control Library                 winformscontrollib   [C#],VB     Common/WinForms
Windows Forms Class Library                   winformslib          [C#],VB     Common/WinForms
Worker Service                                worker               [C#],F#     Common/Worker/Web
MSTest Test Project                           mstest               [C#],F#,VB  Test/MSTest
NUnit 3 Test Project                          nunit                [C#],F#,VB  Test/NUnit
NUnit 3 Test Item                             nunit-test           [C#],F#,VB  Test/NUnit
xUnit Test Project                            xunit                [C#],F#,VB  Test/xUnit
MVC ViewImports                               viewimports          [C#]        Web/ASP.NET
Razor Component                               razorcomponent       [C#]        Web/ASP.NET
MVC ViewStart                                 viewstart            [C#]        Web/ASP.NET
Razor Page                                    page                 [C#]        Web/ASP.NET
Blazor Server App                             blazorserver         [C#]        Web/Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly App                        blazorwasm           [C#]        Web/Blazor/WebAssembly
ASP.NET Core Empty                            web                  [C#],F#     Web/Empty
ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)  mvc                  [C#],F#     Web/MVC
ASP.NET Core Web App                          webapp               [C#]        Web/MVC/Razor Pages
ASP.NET Core with React.js and Redux          reactredux           [C#]        Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with Angular                     angular              [C#]        Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with React.js                    react                [C#]        Web/MVC/SPA
Razor Class Library                           razorclasslib        [C#]        Web/Razor/Library
ASP.NET Core Web API                          webapi               [C#],F#     Web/WebAPI
ASP.NET Core gRPC Service                     grpc                 [C#]        Web/gRPC
dotnet gitignore file                         gitignore                        Config
global.json file                              globaljson                       Config
NuGet Config                                  nugetconfig                      Config
Dotnet local tool manifest file               tool-manifest                    Config
Web Config                                    webconfig                        Config
Solution File                                 sln                              Solution
Protocol Buffer File                          proto                            Web/gRPC

    dotnet new mvc --auth Individual
    dotnet new xunit
    dotnet new --help
    dotnet new nunit --help

C:\Users\stde\Documents\New folder (3)>
nixin72 commented 2 years ago

I like this idea! I think it kind of goes along with what you were talking to me about on Discord though, with the idea of not having templates forced into a specific repository. I'm going to make a separate issue to discuss how we should deal with providing use-created templates that aren't a part of the racket-templates org.

nixin72 commented 2 years ago

I'll be adding this in #18. There's more metadata that I'd like to be added to the templates in though so that users can get some more information about the templates at the command line.

spdegabrielle commented 2 years ago

resolved by #18