nixrajput / flutter_carousel_widget

A customizable carousel slider widget in Flutter which supports infinite scrolling, auto scrolling, custom child widget, custom animations and built-in indicators.
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[Bug]: Next Flutter add a Carousel Widget #42

Closed patou closed 1 week ago

patou commented 1 week ago

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What happened?

Flutter works to add a new Carousel widget, and it's integrated in the main channel.

When compile our application with the flutter main channel, the compile didn't works because two CarouselController now exist, for our code we can updated with :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide CarouselController;

But there are errors in this lib flutter_carousel_widget.

There are 4 files with erros :



What devices are you seeing the problem on?



Flutter chanel main 3.23.0-13.0.pre.212

Relevant log output

Error (Xcode): ../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: 'CarouselController' is imported from both 'package:flutter/src/material/carousel.dart' and 'package:flutter_carousel_widget/src/helpers/flutter_carousel_controller.dart'.

Error (Xcode): ../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: 'CarouselController' is imported from both 'package:flutter/src/material/carousel.dart' and 'package:flutter_carousel_widget/src/helpers/flutter_carousel_controller.dart'.

Code of Conduct

InstantlyMoist commented 1 week ago

Opened a PR for this, hopefully gets accepted soon :D

nixrajput commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the PR.

I will accept it after review and release an update as soon as possible.