I'm getting the permission denied error when trying to extract data. Could you please help me out in this regard? Thanks.
[Pulahas-MBP:~/Downloads/IND_adm] pulaharoy% ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -where "ADM0_A3 IN ('IND')" IND0.json IND_adm0.shp
ERROR 1: "ADM0_A3" not recognised as an available field.
ERROR 1: SetAttributeFilter(ADM0_A3 IN ('IND')) on layer 'IND_adm0' failed.
Hi Nishant,
I'm getting the permission denied error when trying to extract data. Could you please help me out in this regard? Thanks.
[Pulahas-MBP:~/Downloads/IND_adm] pulaharoy% ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -where "ADM0_A3 IN ('IND')" IND0.json IND_adm0.shp ERROR 1: "ADM0_A3" not recognised as an available field. ERROR 1: SetAttributeFilter(ADM0_A3 IN ('IND')) on layer 'IND_adm0' failed.