nizaroni / ironhack-week-3-examples-jan-2016

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Infinity reduplication process in the flux's capacitors terminal conjunction system. #1

Closed antoniwan closed 8 years ago

antoniwan commented 8 years ago

Several questions accompany this issue, @khalifenizar.

How does the quantum description of reality, which includes elements such as the superposition of states and wavefunction collapse or quantum decoherence, give rise to the reality we perceive?

Why did the universe have such low entropy in the past, resulting in the distinction between past and future and the second law of thermodynamics?

Is there a theory which explains the values of all fundamental physical constants?


Why does the zero-point energy of the vacuum not cause a large cosmological constant? What cancels it out?

Finally, I've attached a screenshot of the hardware running these systems. Please let me know if there's something that ironhack-week-3-examples-jan-2016's maintenance team can do to help us out.

Flux capacitor's energy matrix

cyberkiko commented 8 years ago


jonathantorres commented 8 years ago


nizaroni commented 8 years ago
