nizwar / nizvpn

Flutter Android VPN based on OpenVPN Library.
GNU General Public License v2.0
92 stars 35 forks source link

VPN fails to connect without any error message #14

Open WANDIKAPRATAMA opened 3 weeks ago

WANDIKAPRATAMA commented 3 weeks ago

``Hi, can anyone help me solve the Open Vpn connection failure with the server I got from VpnResselers, the problem is that the connection with the server I got from Vpn Resselers failed to connect with the following LOG results:

[ ] I/flutter (21318): Memulai OpenVPN dengan konfigurasi: Instance of 'VpnConfiguration' [ +44 ms] I/OpenVPN (21318): Starting openvpn [ +14 ms] I/OpenVPN (21318): OpenVPN process exited [ +59 ms] I/OpenVPN (21318): Exiting

From the LOG results I didn't get any information regarding what was wrong with the VPN server, here is the VPN server I used:

`client dev tun remote 8080 tcp auth-user-pass auth-nocache nobind auth SHA256 cipher AES-256-GCM tls-client tls-cipher TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384 remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Server Authentication" persist-key persist-tun data-ciphers AES-256-GCM

# # 2048 bit OpenVPN static key # -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- 5a406c73bc41f6765ee9f7e082155b66 c7cff844c57e04528166f3b5b3c20330 36ab9a3ef4b8734b938e1e2650be9656 8ec1b72cf32bbe67cc3cf6b87be007b4 10f49fae4266bdbb23925edc725995bc eaebd017b072738dac55c3309c735a43 7b05c64f4ffcb214ecb4b5ed470f768c e667f3f678c5da89be34917be1324fde d515c0ca61762b8a60846ae8939452ec c9b0dd4bc28df79e8dd9ac975f9098c3 7140c326deee3ed61ce5402cc2ae0293 3a56f68ac2b1148ba661af4970f2c654 791e7cbbf13da7b5819355bd6f43e1b9 93cafbf035d4a187bc9ee3175e706563 3f5ae8f6356b3d33f18dd831235a03d7 a6eea38085fed6927e9a604b82c3ccc1 -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB6TCCAW+gAwIBAgIJAO7HEvJxfUUCMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMBcxFTATBgNVBAMM DDMyMWludGVyLm5ldDAeFw0xOTA1MjExMzI3NDlaFw0yOTA1MTgxMzI3NDlaMBcx FTATBgNVBAMMDDMyMWludGVyLm5ldDB2MBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAiA2IABGja TAidcTxY9ud7w3Jr1y6BSS7trkeu3kZqDg/TDCxE4k0Ay6AXVkooORyidfco+SGx zR8oxcit7JGjCf5+JCufjKjl3s/yULt7gYfQnfBYN4ULcr1gpKCZQMIlORnvHaOB hjCBgzAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUThoKRpgMcQwcQwlfjfzf5vE2mOUwRwYDVR0jBEAwPoAU ThoKRpgMcQwcQwlfjfzf5vE2mOWhG6QZMBcxFTATBgNVBAMMDDMyMWludGVyLm5l dIIJAO7HEvJxfUUCMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wCwYDVR0PBAQDAgEGMAoGCCqGSM49 BAMCA2gAMGUCMCL6jOfO1j5lC6q0DN5Z8Aw0GQ5SAFlmlvyAkk1/dGSgA1gzV5/T 4c53qemB1vz4SQIxAN7onHBiSvGwnCePjDSoonHA9CUlWUX9hurwIdFFqLWyRQHn Nqxoy1tXLIfKApc8CQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----

` .

However I can use this server when trying the Open Vpn GUI marine application, by getting a message that the server does not have a Certificate Profile, in this case does anyone have any information regarding the problem I am facing and how to solve it? I get a small reward if anyone can help me

on Open Vpn GUI : TroubleOpenVpn_KeyStoreFake

WANDIKAPRATAMA commented 3 weeks ago

and this is the error message in the LOG that appears when I retrieve the Base64 file directly: android.os.RemoteException: Missing user certificate or user certificate key file