I’ve a problem with SolPipLog as he doesn’t seem to recognise two inverters connected in parallel. He only seems to detect the one connected to the USB port with a lower number.
I’ve already tried 2.1.0 from your website but that doesn’t seem to find any inverter.
The inverters are Effekta AX-M 4kVA, similar to the Voltronic Axpert MKS 4K-48.
Hi, I’ve a problem with SolPipLog as he doesn’t seem to recognise two inverters connected in parallel. He only seems to detect the one connected to the USB port with a lower number. I’ve already tried 2.1.0 from your website but that doesn’t seem to find any inverter. The inverters are Effekta AX-M 4kVA, similar to the Voltronic Axpert MKS 4K-48.
Best regards