njh / EtherCard

EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip, compatible with Arduino IDE
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Problem about UDP send with ethercard ENC28J60 #78

Closed superid888 closed 11 years ago

superid888 commented 11 years ago

I have a problem about UDP send with ethercard.

My problem is about: I use Arduino uno3+ ENC28J60 + DHT11 + two 7segment LED to display temperature and humidity and send data to host PC by UDP , all the hardware and sub-module test normal, the ENC28J60 CS connect to D10, the measured power supply voltage for ENC28J60 is 3.3V, The IDE with the 1.03 version, EtherCard with the latest version. all functions in normal when I running wireshake to capture data on host PC,I got correctly display of temperature and humidity and the received UDP data is OK, but when I stop capture data with wireshake,the host computer can not receive any data, what possible with the problem?

I've try several different program on host PC and got the same result. When I do the capturing with winshake, the program I use to receive UDP data can got correct result, when I stop capturing with winshake, the program I use to receive UDP data can't received any data.

I do a test by replace ENC28J60 with W5100 ,I got a correct result without runing winshask. Compare with the w5100 code I think the code for UDP in ethercard maybe short of something for bind sorport to disport,but I don't know how to modify the ethercard library. I also I don't know how to use ether.udpTransmit() for Transmit udp data,can someone give me a example?


the code as below:



static byte mymac[] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2D,0x30,0x31 }; static byte myip[] = {192,168,2,23}; static byte gwip[] = {192,168,23,254}; byte Ethernet::buffer[100]; static byte destip[]= {192,168,2,10}; static int myport=1000,destport=1001;

// bits representing segments A through G (and decimal point) for numerals 0-9 const int numeral[10] = { //ABCDEFG /dp B11111100, // 0 B01100000, // 1 B11011010, // 2 B11110010, // 3 B01100110, // 4 B10110110, // 5 B10111110, // 6 B11100000, // 7 B11111110, // 8 B11110110, // 9 }; // pins for decimal point and each segment // dp,G,F,E,D,C,B,A const int segmentPins[] = { 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}; const int nbrDigits= 2; // the number of digits in the LED display //dig 1 2 const int digitPins[nbrDigits] = { A4,A5}; int dppin=A3; //set the decimal point link to PIN A3


dht11 DHT11;

define DHT11PIN A0 //DHT11 PIN 3 →UNO A0

char string1[2];//humidity char string2[2];//temperature

void setup() { Serial.begin(19200);

if (ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac, 10) == 0) Serial.println( "Failed to access Ethernet controller"); if (!ether.staticSetup(myip)) Serial.println("Failed to set IP address");

// ether.setGwIp(gwip);

for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) pinMode(segmentPins, OUTPUT); // set segment and DP pins to output for(int i=0; i < nbrDigits; i++) pinMode(digitPins, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

int chk = DHT11.read(DHT11PIN);

Serial.print("Read sensor: "); switch (chk) { case DHTLIB_OK: Serial.println("OK"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: Serial.println("Checksum error"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Serial.println("Time out error"); break; default: Serial.println("Unknown error"); break; }

int humd=int(DHT11.humidity); int temp=int(DHT11.temperature-2);

itoa(humd,string1,10); itoa(temp,string2,10);

//ether.udpPrepare(myport,destip,destport); //ether.udpTransmit(4); ether.sendUdp ((char*) string1, 64, myport, destip, destport); Serial.println("DATA send by UDP!"); Serial.println(humd); Serial.println(temp); // delay(2000);

//Display on 7segment int counter1=200; while(counter1) { counter1--; // showNumber(DHT11.humidity); showNumber(humd); } counter1=200; while(counter1) { counter1--; analogWrite(dppin,0); // showNumber(DHT11.temperature-2); showNumber(temp); analogWrite(dppin,200); } }

void showNumber( int number) { if(number == 0) showDigit( 0, nbrDigits-1) ; // display 0 in the rightmost digit else { // display the value corresponding to each digit // leftmost digit is 0, rightmost is one less than the number of places for( int digit = nbrDigits-1; digit >= 0; digit--) { if(number > 0) { showDigit( number % 10, digit) ; number = number / 10; } } } } // Displays given number on a 7-segment display at the given digit position void showDigit( int segnumber, int digit) { digitalWrite( digitPins[digit], HIGH ); for(int segment = 1; segment <8; segment++) { boolean isBitSet = bitRead(numeral[segnumber], segment); // isBitSet will be true if given bit is 1

//isBitSet = ! isBitSet; // remove this line if common cathode display

digitalWrite( segmentPins[segment], isBitSet); } delay(5); digitalWrite( digitPins[digit], LOW ); }

superid888 commented 11 years ago

I try another Library for ENC28J60 today,everything is OK and the .HEX file is smaller.

/ This sketch receives humidity and temperature from sensor DHT11, display on two digits seven-segment LED and send UDP message to remote server, prints them to the serial port. The code can only compily by IDE 002X Created 10 Feb 2013, by Chen JW. superid888@gmail.com /

include "EtherShield.h"

static uint8_t mymac[6] = { 0x54,0x55,0x58,0x10,0x00,0x25}; static uint8_t myip[4] = { 192,168,2,23}; static uint8_t broadcastip[4] = { 192,168,2,255}; // DestPort 1001, SrcPort 1000

define DEST_PORT_L 0xE9

define DEST_PORT_H 0x03

define SRC_PORT_L 0xE8

define SRC_PORT_H 0x03

const char iphdr[] PROGMEM ={ 0x45,0,0,0x82,0,0,0x40,0,0x20}; // 0x82 is the total

struct UDPPayload { uint8_t data[2]; }; UDPPayload udpPayload;

// Packet buffer, must be big enough to packet and payload

define BUFFER_SIZE 150

static uint8_t buf[BUFFER_SIZE+1];

EtherShield es=EtherShield();

// bits representing segments A through G (and decimal point) for numerals 0-9 const int numeral[10] = { //ABCDEFG /dp B11111100, // 0 B01100000, // 1 B11011010, // 2 B11110010, // 3 B01100110, // 4 B10110110, // 5 B10111110, // 6 B11100000, // 7 B11111110, // 8 B11110110, // 9 }; // pins for decimal point and each segment // dp,G,F,E,D,C,B,A const int segmentPins[] = { 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2}; const int nbrDigits= 2; // the number of digits in the LED display //dig 1 2 const int digitPins[nbrDigits] = { A4,A5}; int dppin=A3; //set the decimal point link to PIN A3


dht11 DHT11;

define DHT11PIN A0 //DHT11 PIN 3 == UNO A0

char string1[2];//Humd char string2[2];//Temp

void setup(){


es.ES_enc28j60Init(mymac); //init the ethernet/ip layer: es.ES_init_ip_arp_udp_tcp(mymac,myip,80);

for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) pinMode(segmentPins[i], OUTPUT); // set segment and DP pins to output for(int i=0; i < nbrDigits; i++) pinMode(digitPins[i], OUTPUT);

// delay(1000); }

void loop(){

int chk = DHT11.read(DHT11PIN);

Serial.print("Read sensor: "); switch (chk) { case DHTLIB_OK: Serial.println("OK"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_CHECKSUM: Serial.println("Checksum error"); break; case DHTLIB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: Serial.println("Time out error"); break; default: Serial.println("Unknown error"); break; }

int humd=int(DHT11.humidity); int temp=int(DHT11.temperature-2);

//itoa(humd,string1,10); //itoa(temp,string2,10); //byte babb = 0x45; //string ass = ((char)babb).ToString();

Serial.println(humd); Serial.println(temp);

udpPayload.data[0] =humd; udpPayload.data[1] =temp;

//udpPayload.data[0] =string1; //udpPayload.data[1] =string2;

broadcastData() ;

//Display on 7segment int counter1=200; while(counter1) { counter1--; // showNumber(DHT11.humidity); showNumber(humd); } counter1=200; while(counter1) { counter1--; analogWrite(dppin,0); // showNumber(DHT11.temperature-2); showNumber(temp); analogWrite(dppin,200); } }

// Broadcast the data in the udpPayload structure void broadcastData( void ) { uint8_t i=0; uint16_t ck; // Setup the MAC addresses for ethernet header while(i<6){ buf[ETH_DST_MAC +i]= 0xff; // Broadcsat address buf[ETH_SRC_MAC +i]=mymac[i]; i++; } buf[ETH_TYPE_H_P] = ETHTYPE_IP_H_V; buf[ETH_TYPE_L_P] = ETHTYPE_IP_L_V; es.ES_fill_buf_p(&buf[IP_P],9,iphdr);

// IP Header buf[IP_TOTLEN_L_P]=28+sizeof(UDPPayload); buf[IP_PROTO_P]=IP_PROTO_UDP_V; i=0; while(i<4){ buf[IP_DST_P+i]=broadcastip[i]; buf[IP_SRC_P+i]=myip[i]; i++; } es.ES_fill_ip_hdr_checksum(buf); buf[UDP_DST_PORT_H_P]=DEST_PORT_H; buf[UDP_DST_PORT_L_P]=DEST_PORT_L; buf[UDP_SRC_PORT_H_P]=SRC_PORT_H; buf[UDP_SRC_PORT_L_P]=SRC_PORT_L; // lower 8 bit of src port buf[UDP_LEN_H_P]=0; buf[UDP_LEN_L_P]=8+sizeof(UDPPayload); // fixed len // zero the checksum buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_H_P]=0; buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_L_P]=0; // copy the data: i=0; // most fields are zero, here we zero everything and fill later uint8_t b = (uint8_t)&udpPayload; while(i< sizeof( UDPPayload ) ){ buf[UDP_DATA_P+i]=*b++; i++; } // Create correct checksum ck=es.ES_checksum(&buf[IP_SRC_P], 16 + sizeof( UDPPayload ),1); buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_H_P]=ck>>8; buf[UDP_CHECKSUM_L_P]=ck& 0xff; es.ES_enc28j60PacketSend(42 + sizeof( UDPPayload ), buf); }

void showNumber( int number) { if(number == 0) showDigit( 0, nbrDigits-1) ; // display 0 in the rightmost digit else { // display the value corresponding to each digit // leftmost digit is 0, rightmost is one less than the number of places for( int digit = nbrDigits-1; digit >= 0; digit--) { if(number > 0) { showDigit( number % 10, digit) ; number = number / 10; } } } } // Displays given number on a 7-segment display at the given digit position void showDigit( int segnumber, int digit) { digitalWrite( digitPins[digit], HIGH ); for(int segment = 1; segment <8; segment++) { boolean isBitSet = bitRead(numeral[segnumber], segment); // isBitSet will be true if given bit is 1

//isBitSet = ! isBitSet; // remove this line if common cathode display

digitalWrite( segmentPins[segment], isBitSet); } delay(5); digitalWrite( digitPins[digit], LOW ); }

// End

jcw commented 11 years ago

Ok, thanks for following up.