njh / mqtt-sn-tools

Command line tools written in C for the MQTT-SN (MQTT for Sensor Networks) protocol
MIT License
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how get started #20

Closed mgiaco closed 8 years ago

mgiaco commented 8 years ago

Hello Nicholas,

Can you explain how to use this tools? I think i understand the pub and sub tools but which mqtt-sn broker or mqtt-sn gateway are you using.

thanks for your help

mgiaco commented 8 years ago

Okay i found your ruby gateway and now it works with mosquito as the broker. So but how to use the dump in this scenario because i cannot bind a to the UDP socket because the gateway use it so how to use the dump tool?

Do you know any other mqtt-sn gateway for the raspberry?

thx mathias

njh commented 8 years ago


My ruby gateway is fairly incomplete. The RSMB has complete MQTT-SN support: http://modelbasedtesting.co.uk/?p=44

This is the configuration that I use with it: https://gist.github.com/njh/1d3c76b55719910263ca

The dump tool is probably only useful on its own for QoS -1. It is more useful when combined with a some other tool to capture and relay packets.


mgiaco commented 8 years ago


Thanks for your help. Then I will switch to the RSMB implementation. But can I use these tools for some tests? Or would you say that they are also incomplete?

I want to test your sample publisher. I found your video "Arduino Danger Shield, MQTT-SN, RSMB, Node-RED and VLC all working together" I would like find out what kind of code and tools are you using for that. And as I can see you use the dangeminusone publisher for that.

See also my MQTT-SN QoS -1 publisher: https://github.com/njh/DangerMinusOne/blob/master/DangerMinusOne.ino

So I thought I could use your serial bridge and your gateway. So for the gateway I will check out some code in the rsmb repo. But can I use the serial bridge for some tests or is there an other implementiaon around?

I would like to create a simple working example before I start to implement all that stuff on an Cortex M4.

So the code is only for publishing as I understand. Do you know I there is a working mqtt-sn full client implementation around? If would like to build also a subscriber.

thanks for your help that’s really great mahias