njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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HEATR 444 not equal 445+446+447? #128

Open BorKos opened 5 years ago

BorKos commented 5 years ago

Dear developers, I used a HEATR+ACER chain to produce MT444, MT445, MT446 and MT447 damage cross sections for MCNP. Then I ran a simple problem (sphere of mixed material with a pwr spectra source) to calculate dpa's with MCNP and noticed that the dpa's from the different individual types (445,446,447) do not add up to 444 in the energy region between 1e-6 MeV to 1e-3 MeV.


Could you provide an exact definition of 444 (I can't find it in the manual) or maybe an idea on why this issue might occur? I attached a plot of the comparison of the dpa's between MTT444 and MT445+MT446+MT447. The statistical uncertainties in the discrepancy energy region are negligible. I also attached the NJOY input file I used with NJOY 2016.44 Al27.txt

Thank you in advance, Bor from JSI Slovenia

jchsublet commented 5 years ago

HEATR dpcs leading to dpa have no meaning below Ed, in the case of Al Ed= 27 eV. All is elastic or 101 from 27 eV in the low energy range. Your plot does not seem to correspond to what it should be, most likely a tally issue

Attached is the details of partial and total dpcs for Al027 Pages from Al027chk.pdf