Following the changes in acer for the photoatomic data (see pull request #136), I noticed that NJOY sets the lower energy limit at which it starts photoatomic data at 1000 eV, even though the ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 data now actually start at 1 eV.
Proposed enhancement: allow the user to set the lower energy limit (defaulted to 1000 eV as before) and let the user decide.
Following the changes in acer for the photoatomic data (see pull request #136), I noticed that NJOY sets the lower energy limit at which it starts photoatomic data at 1000 eV, even though the ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 data now actually start at 1 eV.
Proposed enhancement: allow the user to set the lower energy limit (defaulted to 1000 eV as before) and let the user decide.