njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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Poto-Atomic Data #150

Closed elijahritz89 closed 4 years ago

elijahritz89 commented 4 years ago

I've generated the Photo-Atomic cross section library (ACER), but unfortunately the fluorescence and heating data are incorrect and the output shows NAN for these data. This program is executed by NJOY2016.55. Could anyone help me to solve the issue?

whaeck commented 4 years ago

In order to properly diagnose this issue, we'll need an example input file and ENDF file (or at least the location where we can download this ENDF file).

Best regards, Wim

elijahritz89 commented 4 years ago

Thank you Wim for your answer, fortunately I could solve the issue.

Wishes, Elijah