njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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generate ACE-format library of JENDL/PD-2016 (photonuclear reactions) #180

Open nasim1367 opened 3 years ago

nasim1367 commented 3 years ago

I tried to generate ACE-format library of JENDL/PD-2016 (photonuclear reactions) using the NJOY-2016.60 code but failed, Why? What should I do to convert this library to an ACE file?

my input deck: moder 20 21 acer 20 21 0 22 23 5 1 1 .20/ 'Generated for 129I from JENDL/PD-2016 by njoy2016.60'/ 5331/ stop

message from NJOY code: ---message from acephn---file 6 law not coded

output.txt tape22.txt

whaeck commented 3 years ago

@nasim1367 Thank you for providing the additional details, this is quite helpful. It looks like the evaluators for the photonuclear data used a LAW in MF6 that the photonuclear processing in ACER does not handle. I'll inspect the file to see which product and which LAW causes this. I'll get back to you once I have more information.

Best regards, Wim

nasim1367 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your quick response I have attached 129-iodine endf file of JENDL/PD-2016 for you, Maybe you need it


whaeck commented 3 years ago

I was planning on downloading the library from the JENDL website but that works too.

I had a quick look in the file. Only MT5 is present in MF6, and it has quite a number of products (264 in total, I kid you not). The LAWs of these products are 1 for the elementary particles (g, n, p, d, t, he3 and a) and 0 (unknown) for all the others. It appears to be the unknown laws (LAW=0) that cause the issue since only light particles, LAW=1 and LAW=4 are treated explicitly in the if ... else ... that has the error message. It happens when the heating contribution of recoil is to be calculated in ACER (line 535 in acepn.f90).

@nasim1367 Do you know if this is the only JENDL photonuclear file that has this issue, or are they all like this?

nasim1367 commented 3 years ago

I think this problem is only in the photonuclear reactions of JENDL/PD-2016 file According to your description, is it not possible to convert these files to ACE format by NJOY code?

I sent an email to JENDL website support And they sent me the following description and link, and I got to know your website through that link

" Please visit the following page: https://www-nds.iaea.org/photonuclear/

You can see the "Updated on September 13, 2020." in red in the bottom of the page. Please read and follow the notice. Many files in IAEA/PD-2019 adopt the same format as JENDL/PD-2016 (JENDL/PD-2016.1). I hope that the notice is helpful for you, and that the patched version of NJOY2016 can convert the ENDF-6 format to ACE format. "

whaeck commented 3 years ago

The fact that the LAW=0 issue pops up in these files is an issue that we have to fix, that's a given. Since there is no distribution data, no recoil information is available so I could simply assign a heating of zero for the residual and see if that would work. It'll take time though to do this - and I'm already quite busy.

Moving to the latest IAEA photonuclear library is another option (I have processed a few files of those following other issues but I did not encounter this LAW=0 problem with those files). The modifications you need to process that library into ACE are not yet available in the main branch of NJOY2016, you have to get the feature/pn-iaea branch to do that.

This is a quick overview on how to do that:

git clone https://github.com/njoy/NJOY2016
cd NJOY2016
git checkout feature/pn-iaea
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

The resulting njoy executable is capable of processing the latest IAEA photonuclear library.

nasim1367 commented 3 years ago

I'm confused about the overview. to be honest, unfortunately my information about NJOY code is not enough to understand this explanations. Anyway, thank you for checking my problem and answering my questions

nasim1367 commented 3 years ago

Hi again Can you guide me to modification the njoy2016 to generate an ace file of jendl library?