njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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About Hybrid Scheme to Calculate Resonance Effects on Free Gas Scattering #194

Open L1Zefeng opened 3 years ago

L1Zefeng commented 3 years ago

I read a report named Some Notes on Neutron Up-Scattering and the Doppler-Broadening of High-Z Scattering Resonances that issued in 2017-09-28, which mentioned about Doppler-Broadening capability for scattering resonances in high Z target nuclei. Is that function already add into THERMR module?

ameliajo commented 3 years ago

Hi, no not currently. Looks like there is hope that it will be included later in NJOY21, but I didn't put any new updates like this in the THERMR module will released in NJOY21 shortly.