njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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JENDL5 processing of N14, N15, F19 and Al27 with NJOY2016.66 or lower #236

Closed whaeck closed 2 years ago

whaeck commented 2 years ago

Processing JENDL5 N14, N15, F19 and Al27 fails on HEATR in the standard processing path for continuous energy ACE files using NJOY2016.66.

An example input file: N14.inp.txt

JENDL5 has pushed the upper energy limit of the neutron induced evaluations to 200 MeV. However, when processing the above mentioned files, the PENDF file comping out of RECONR only went to 20 MeV instead of the expected 200 MeV. Since HEATR expects the union grid in the PENDF file to be the same as the evaluation, HEATR stopped reading the distribution data at 20 MeV instead of 200 MeV. What followed was then interpreted as a new reaction product, which was not the case.

The issue of this upper energy of the union energy grid was traced back to MF13 MT3. This part of these 4 evaluations seem to have an upper energy of 20 MeV instead of 200 MeV. This leads to the union energy grid to be truncated at 20 MeV instead of 200 MeV. Adding a 2e+7,0. and 2e+8, 0. point in this part of the evaluation makes the issue go away. This appeared to be the only part in the evaluation that used the wrong upper energy.

While it is possible to correct this inside NJOY, it was decided not to do this because correcting evaluations is not something we like to do inside NJOY itself. In this case there is no real issue (since the photon data above 20 MeV is actually in MT5). However, if MT5 did not have photon data, the evaluation would not contain any photon data above 20 MeV. If an evaluator would have erroneously removed a part of the evaluation, an NJOY correction following the error might mask the problem.

whaeck commented 2 years ago

No fix added to NJOY2016.