njoy / NJOY2016

Nuclear data processing with legacy NJOY
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JENDL-5 ACE files have been released with NJOY2016 modification information for JNDL-5. #276

Open mcnp514 opened 1 year ago

mcnp514 commented 1 year ago

JAEA released ACE files of JENDL-5 neutron, thermal neutron scattering law, charged particle, photonuclear and photoatomic sub-libraries produced with FRENDY and NJOY2016 today. You can download them from https://rpg.jaea.go.jp/main/en/ACE-J50/. You can also obtain how to modify NJOY2016 for JENDL-5 there. We hope that the NJOY2016 modifications will be included in the next NJOY2016.

whaeck commented 1 year ago

I have quickly reviewed the proposed changes after receiving this issue (Kenichi Tada also pointed this out to me today).

The ACER and PURR issues for incident neutron files from JENDL5 seem to have been addressed in NJOY2016.67. The only one that I don’t seem to have is the increase to 'nned'. Is there a particular nuclide that needs an increase to that array size? As far as I know, all incident neutron evaluations from JENDL5 should process through ACER properly in NJOY2016.67 and above.

For the HEATR changes, I've actually made the abs(...) correction for primary photons recently in addition to another change for photon recoil but that fix isn't in a release version of NJOY yet (I still need to go through the non-regression tests that got changed results because of it). You can find these changes in the following branch: https://github.com/njoy/NJOY2016/tree/fix/kerma-mt102

I would need to look into the other HEATR update to use kinematics instead of energy balance in more detail before moving that into HEATR.

The photoatomic issue is a nice find. Once I diagnose that one in more detail, I'll probably adopt this fix (or at least a similar one).

For the incident charged particles, a request to use LAW 67 instead of 61 on demand seems reasonable to me. I'll look into that one as well. The change from interpolation type 22 to 2 I'm not so sure off though but we will look into it.

For the GASPR change, I assume that this is because the JENDL5 files use MT201 and MT202? I have to look into that one in more detail as well before I can commit to adding this change. Can you give me a nuclide and input deck that illustrates why this change is needed?

mcnp514 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply, whaeck! We used NJOY2016.65 for JENDL-5 except for the photonuclear sublibrary because we started this study last year. We are happy to hear that you have already fixed the issues we pointed out. However could you process Ni58 of JENDL-5 neutron sublibrary with NJOY2016.67? When we processed it with NJOY2016.67, the following error occurred at acefc.f90.

error in endf illegal TAB1, nbt(nr)/=np for mf/mt = 3/ 1

We have fixed this issue for NJOY2016.65 as shown in our memo already.

We are so sorry but we encountered the nned issue for JENDL-5 test file. Thus this issue is not required for JENDL-5.

We also applied the gaspr module for the JENDL-5 chraged particle sublibray. When we processed C12 of JENDL-5 proton sublibrary with NJOY2016.65, the following error occurred at acefc.f90.

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array HNDF has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1

We investigated this error. Then we found that NJOY2016 added mt=202 after mt=207 in the PENDF file. Then we checked gaspr.f90 and modified it so to omit mt=202, which is not a gas production data. This modification solves the above error.

mcnp514 commented 1 year ago

We are so sorry but the modification memo of NJOY2016 for JENDL-5 in https://rpg.jaea.go.jp/main/en/ACE-J50/ had several mistakes. We revise it. Pleas use the revised one.

whaeck commented 1 year ago

I will have a look at the differences. I'm still looking into some of these changes. I was on vacation for a while and since I got back to work I've had other work to finish.